The Rumors

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Amy's Pov
Rumors are never true...right? Then why do some people believe they are? My friends believe in some rumors, but they believe in the one I am going to tell you about.

There's an old, abandoned amusement park where I live. It closed down 10 years ago. No, nothing bad happened when it was opened. No one died. The place went bankrupt, and that's why it was shut down; but people do like to spread rumors and such.

People would say that whoever went there would disappear, and never come back. They say that one time, a group of college kids went in mid-day, and never returned. Another time, a group of twenty year olds went in to see what the fuss was about...They didn't return either.

Even animals! A cat went in while trying to find her way home, but didn't come out. The owner said that she would of went in too, but she was too scared. Till this day, no one goes in there.

Do I believe in this rumor? Well, it sounds like a good horror story, but I don't really believe the story. My friends on the other hand do. So, I convinced my friends that we would stay there for one night, and then in the morning they would see how it was just a rumor.

In fact, right now I was waiting for them in front of the gate. It was 11'o clock, and the stars were shinning bright. I had a flashlight in my hand, and a book bag filled with snacks and water.

Finally, I heard footsteps and turned around. It was my three friends Nikki, Bella, and Katy.

Bella wore her light brown hair short, to contrast with her deep brown eyes. She's tall for her age, and loves to get in trouble.

Nikki has jet-black hair with red streaks at the tips. She loves to wear the color black, and is an amazing artist.

Katy has long blonde hair, and light blue eyes. She is very athletic, and popular. She can be bossy at times, but you come to love that about her.

And me, well...I'm Amy. I have brown hair that goes to my shoulders, and hazel eyes. I love to sing; music is my life. I am the one who is a loner in reality.

"Sorry we're late," Bella panted.

"No it's fine," I replied with a smile.

"Are you sure we should do this?" Nikki asked.

"We should!" Bella exclaimed, "No rumors scare me!"

"Let's just get on with it," Katy said impatiently. I nodded.

"Bella, did you bring it?" I asked. She smiled wide and gave me the pliers.

"Let me do the honors!" Katy whined. I gave them to her and she laughed; "Oh, this will be fun." She broke the lock that was attached to thick chains.

"Come on!" Bella yelled as she got her pilers back, "Let's go!" We went through the gate and shut it.

"Wow," I said in awe as I shinned my flashlight on everything, "this place looks amazing! This is WAY better than going to the movies or shopping at the mall!" I swear I heard a quiet giggle from somewhere, but no one else seemed to notice. I looked around, but didn't see anyone.

"What's wrong, Amy?" Nikki asked. I smiled.

"Nothing, I thought I heard something. Let's go look around some more." At that moment, we started to go to a rundown ride that looked interesting to us.


Laughing Jack's pov
I saw them come in. They looked to be at least in high school. How many? Four. Gender? All female. This will be fun. I have hung around here ever since this place closed down. It's the perfect place for me. I saw the girls look around. I had to be careful about the one with the flashlight. She kept shinning it everywhere and I didn't want to get caught just yet.

I had to admit they all did look pretty. But that doesn't really matter. I have new friends to play with me. I saw the girl with the flashlight smile and twirl around.

"Wow, this place looks amazing," she said in an amazed voice, "This is WAY better than going to the movies or shopping at the mall!" I laughed quietly, but covered my mouth quickly when I saw the girl face me. Luckily, I disappeared to another spot right before the flashlight shinned on me.

"What's wrong, Amy?" A girl with black hair asked. Amy? That's her name. Such a nice name. I saw Amy smile.

"Nothing, I thought I heard something. Let's go look around some more." That's when I saw the ride they were going to. This WILL be fun indeed. I laughed as I disappeared into the shadows.

Hey guys! So that's the first chapter. I hope you like it and I will try to update as soon as I can.

Also, if you love Impractical Jokers, come check out The Best Summer. You may just like it.

Bye and see you next time!!!


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