Calling Dr. Smiley

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Amy's pov
When Toby, Masky, and Hoodie left I turned towards my friends.

"Are you two ok?" I asked Nikki and Katy. Nikki nodded.

"Yeah...we're fine," Katy replied a bit coldly. Why was she acting like this? I questioned in my mind. I pushed the question out of my head and forced a smile.

"Come on guys," I uttered, "let's go and look for that key."

"Alright, let's go!" Bella exclaimed. The strange part is that none of them really questioned my friendship with Toby, but I guess it's better that way. My arm was killing me. Not literally, but metaphorically. It just...hurts so much. I needed to patch it up. We were walking and looking in a few rides and all of the concession stands, but found nothing.

"We need to find the key," Nikki said, "I can't stand this place another minute."

"Don't worry," I replied, "We'll find the key. I'm so sure we will." Katy snorted out a small laugh.

"Do you really think we'll find the ke-" Katy stopped when she noticed a guy walking towards us who was wearing a face mask like the doctors wear around his neck. He also had a white lab coat on.

"Hello ladies," he said in a deep voice, "My name is Dr. Smiley and would any one of you like any help."


Dr. Smiley's pov


I haven't seen any of the girls Laughing Jack informed me about. I really want to see at least one of them soon so I can help her or if multiple, them. I earlier found the perfect place to help any of the girls when they need it. I heard voices not to far away from where I was. I slowly hid behind an old, red striped ticket booth. There were four of them like L.J. said.

I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying, but noticed more on which one needed the most help. That's when I saw...her. She had brown hair that went down to her shoulders and was the shortest out of them. But the best part is her arm. It had a big wound there. Perfect, I thought with glee.

This girl needed my help. I can just imagine it now. Her strapped down to a table with her organs showing. What shall I take from her? A part of her lung? Maybe her heart. I smiled at my thoughts and walked towards the girls. One of the girls noticed I was coming and stopped talking.

"Hello ladies," I said, "My name is Dr. Smiley and would any one of you like any help." The girls looked at each other in fright except for the girl with the injured arm. She smiled.

"Hi, I'm Amy," She spoke with a soft, gentle voice, "it's a pleasure to meet you." So, her name is Amy. I grinned. I took Amy's hand and gently kissed the back of it.

"You too, Ms. Amy," Her face turned a bit pink and a small giggle escaped her lips. "Oh my, what happened to your arm?" I asked. Amy looked at her arm.

"I got bit by a dog," She answered. I held out my hand.

"May I see it, Ms. Amy?" I questioned. She was hesitant, but in the end, gave me her arm. I traced the wound with my free hand. I then pressed lightly on the wound. She winced silently. The blood was dry that was covering the bite mark.

"You know Ms. Amy," I uttered, "I can help you with this," She looked up at me.

"Really?" She asked, "You can?" I grinned and nodded while I gave her arm back.

"Yes, of course!" I exclaimed, "I'm a doctor after all. Just come with me and I will help you in no time. The others can come to if they want." I could tell that Amy was about to respond with a some sort of "yes" answer, but stopped herself.

"Let me consult my friends first about this, ok?" She explained. I showed a hint of disproval, but quickly hid it.

"Ok," I replied, "That's fine, Ms. Amy." She smiled and nodded. Then she and her friends walked a little bit away so I couldn't hear them. I don't like this. I don't like this one bit.


Amy's Pov
I know I am someone who is stupid, but I'm not that stupid. I wasn't going to go with him until I heard what my friends have to say. We walked away from him so Dr. Smiley couldn't hear us. We all circled round.

"So...what do I say?" I asked, "He's a creepypasta, right?" Nikki nodded.

"Yeah, he is," She answered. Katy stared in disbelief.

"Are you sure?" She questioned, "he's not ugly like the other ones we've ran into." Bella tried to hide a laugh while Nikki groaned.

"Yes...I'm sure," Nikki muttered, "and Amy..."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"DON'T.GO.WITH.HIM," She said with a lot of seriously.

"Ok, but why?" I asked out of curiosity.

"He's a creeepypasta!" Bella exclaimed, "What other proof do you need to know NOT to go with him?!" I calmly shrugged.

"I'm just curious, that's all," I replied.

"Well, you know that help that Dr. Smiley said he'll give you?" Nikki questioned. I nodded. "He thinks that helping people is giving them death and..he also takes a part of you and puts in a jar. In the story I read, he took a part of a woman's womb." I shivered.

"Ok, good thing I talked to you guys," I said.

"Yeah, no kidding," Bella smirked. I walked towards Dr. Smiley with my friends.

"Hello Ms. Amy. Have you come to a decision?" He asked politely. I nodded.

"Sorry Dr. Smiley, but I can't accept your help," I answered, "Thank you anyway and I hope you understand." His face expression was hard to read.

"Don't worry Ms. Amy," he said in a mono-tone voice, "I do understand." I nodded slowly and was about to walk away when I felt someone grab my arm. It was Dr. Smiley.

"Um Dr. Smiley...can you please let go of my-" Before I could finish, I was pulled by Dr. Smiley into his arms and he pushed a needle into my neck. I caught a glimpse of my friends who stared in horror and ran off. I felt really woozy, but I tried to stay awake. What did he do to me? I thought. I felt myself sinking deeper into in his arms. Dr. Smiley brushed my hair with his hand.

"Sh..." He whispered in my ear, "It's going to be alright, Ms. Amy. Dr. Smiley is here to help..." That's when I couldn't resist anymore. My eyes went heavy and I let the darkness take me in.



Sorry guys for ending it here, but...i shall write more soon.

I hope you are liking this story.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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