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Katy's pov
(A/N: this is the ONLY time I am writing in one of the other girls point of views)

We still haven't found the stupid key yet. I am seriously sick and tired of this place! It's all Amy's fault we're here. And her disappearing doesn't help us at all.

"I can't take this place anymore!" I huffed. Nikki nodded.

"I agree," she said. Bella sighed loudly.
"Why is it so hard to find the key?!" She whined.

"I bet it's not even in this place," I explained, "We have been looking FOREVER!" Nikki and Bella nodded in agreement. That's the good thing about those two. They ALWAYS agree with me. In the end, they listen to me more than Amy most of the time. Which is good, like they should.

"I need to tell you guys something," I uttered. Nikki and Bella looked at me and we're ready to listen to me.

"Alright," I said, "You know who's fault this is for the situation we are in, right?" They looked at each other and didn't say anything. "Amy. It's her fault. Don't you see? She even left us and now we are stuck here doing all the work trying to find the key. You guys are my friends and I would never want to see you guys hurt. So if you're smart. Then listen to me...NOT AMY."

They both nodded slowly. I smiled. Good, they should be listening to me anyway. I am way smarter, prettier, and caring than her. She's even lucky that I accepted her as my "friend", but one more slip up and she's going down. DOWN, DOWN, DOWN! I laughed to myself and Nikki and Bella looked at me weird.

"Sorry," I giggled, "I just thought of something funny."

Then I heard a familiar girl yell, "Guys! I finally found you guys again!" We turned around and saw Amy. Oh great...

"Where have you been?" I asked annoyed.

"It's kinda a long stor-" She tried to say but I interrupted her. I didn't want to hear any excuses from her.

"Never mind about that," I explained, "You can at least say that you have the key." Amy shook her head slowly.

"Of course you don't," I mumbled, "You're probably too stupid to find it anyway." I think she heard what I said, but didn't look mad. Instead she looked...sad and sorry.

"I'm sorry, but I'm trying," Amy uttered sadly. I didn't want to hear this crap.

"Then try harder!" I exclaimed at her. She nodded eagerly. The one actually good trait about Amy is that she never ever gets mad at anyone. I haven't seen her angry, but I don't think her stupid mind allows her to get mad at others. It's the perfect trait for me to "mess around" with. I can make fun of her all I want, but won't get mad. It's so delicious.

"Come on guys!" Amy exclaimed optimistic, "We'll find the key and get out of here in no time. Trust me!" I rolled my eyes. She's so stupid. Nikki and Bella stayed close to my side. That's when I realized that I had to go I the restroom.

"Nikki and Bella!" I exclaimed. They turned towards me.

"I have to go, come with me," I urged. They nodded and we went to the nearest bathroom. Amy was about to go with us.

"No!" I yelled at her, "You stay out here. Maybe you can find the key." Amy nodded a little sadly.

"Ok, Katy," she uttered. I smiled and went in the bathroom with my true friends. Amy was not a true friend to me. She never has, but she can be handy at times. That's the only reason why I talk to her...even now...
IT IS FINISHED! The chapter is done. This is the only time I will write in any of the other girls pov.

I wrote in Katy's because she does always act mean in front of Amy and you guys need to know why. Also Nikki and Bella stay silent because they fear/respect Katy.

So yeah...thanks for reading!

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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