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Amy's pov
I waited for the question to be asked as I took off my vest.

"Have they, your friends I mean,...yelled at you like that before?" Jeff asked as I looked at him. I sighed and looked away.

" heard that too?" I questioned. Laughing Jack and Jeff nodded.

"Yeah, we did," L.J. uttered, "So, have they?"

"Well...I mean, not that bad," I explained, "Have they yelled at me? Yes, but it wasn't as bad as that and it was my fault anyway." They all listened to what I was saying as they took off there vests.

"Can I ask you another question?" Jeff asked. I shrugged.

"Go ahead," I answered, "To be honest, I don't really care how many questions you ask me. I'm an open-book." Jeff nodded.

"Have you cried when they yelled at you those other times?" He asked. I looked down at my feet.

"Only sometimes I had..." I whispered out. I looked back up and Laughing Jack looked confused.

"Why are you even friends with them?" He asked, "They don't seem like they are true friends. They yell at you at times and make you cry, even though you probably don't deserve it. I know that when they yelled at you the last time, you didn't deserve that. So why...why are you friends with them?" I sighed and small tears sprung from my eyes.

"...Because...I'm afraid..." I said quietly.

"Afraid of what, Amy?" Ben asked.

"O-Of being alone," I stuttered quickly as a few tears rolled down my eyes.

"Aw, princess," Ben said with a sad expression. He wiped away my tears and gave me a short hug. "You aren't alone. I'm here for you. I'm better than any of those so called friends." I giggled.

"It's kinda sad how that's sort of true..." I uttered. I smiled. "Hey Ben, wanna know something cool?" He nodded.

"Sure, what is it?" He questioned.

"Come on, we have to go outside," I explained.

"Why?" He asked.

"You'll see!" I exclaimed. I looked at Jeff, L.J., and Smile. "You guys can come to, if you want." They nodded.

"Sure, we'll come," L.J. giggled. I smiled and walked out of the arcade. Ben and the others followed me. We walked until I stopped and leaned against a game stand.

"So, why are we out here?" Ben asked. I grinned.

"Look up," I commanded nicely. They looked up and then after a bit back down. Then they stared at me confusingly.

"What are we suppose to be looking at?" Jeff asked. I snickered.

"The stars," I answered, "Aren't they pretty. I know that some people think that looking at the stars is boring, but I find it quite soothing. But that's not really what I wanted to tell you guys."

"Then what did you want to say?" Ben questioned. I looked up at the stars.

"Did you know that back in the time of William Shakespeare, people thought that the stars, including the sun, were made up of this pure, perfect substance. I believe it's called quintessence. Anyway, back then, comparing girls and woman to the stars was the one absolute best thing to say and do. Nothing could beat that. That's how pure the substance was. That's why in the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo compares Juliet to the sun," I explained.

"You read Romeo and Juliet?" Ben asked. I looked at him and nodded.

"Yep, and it's a great play. But it's a play of haste and miscommunication. At least...that's what my teacher said. Which I believe is true," I replied, "Nowadays when someone is compared to the stars, it isn't really a big deal. I still think it is though. I mean, look at the stars. To me, there's nothing more beautiful and more peaceful than these stars. I know that we later discovered that they are just flaming balls of gases that are light years away, but they mean so much more to me. The stars always have helped me relax and make my mind drift to fantasies unexplained and places unknown in my mind. And to me that's...wonderful." Everyone looked at my with surprised faces.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, "I tend to ramble sometimes. I didn't mean to bore you." Ben chuckled and shook his head.

"It's fine, princess," He uttered, "Besides, I'm glad you told me all of this. I really am. It's all really cool. You're really smart for knowing all this stuff." I felt myself blush.

"Thanks Ben," I said. L.J. giggled.

"By the way, Amy..." Laughing Jack told me, "Ben has something he wants to give you." I looked at Ben confusingly.

"You do?" I questioned. He blushed and grabbed something from his pocket. He handed it to me.

"F-For you, Amy," Ben stuttered quickly. I chuckled and looked at the item to see what it was. It was a golden necklace and it was shaped like a heart. There was a bit of silver on the sides of the heart too. I smiled.

"Is this really for me?" I asked. He nodded.

"I wanted to get you something because you've been a great person towards me," he explained. I played with the necklace in my hands.

"Ben," I said, "I don't know what to say. This is the best gift I have ever received. Thank you so much! But how do I repay you?"

"Just keep being you," he replied, "That's all I ask."

Suddenly I heard a person shout, "Amy!" It was coming from nearby. The voice was...Katy's. I sighed.

"I have to go," I said. I was about to leave when Ben grabbed my arm.

"Don't go. Please don't go. They yelled at you and I don't want you to get hurt again," he explained. I looked at him got out of his grip.

"Ben, I'm sorry," I muttered, "But they might need me and I can't leave anyone and I mean anyone matter if they say or do mean things to me." I quickly put the necklace in my pocket and walked away. I turned back. I saw Ben stare at me with those pleading eyes.

Stay...just stay, I thought. I looked away and ran towards where I heard Katy. After a little bit I found them.

"Oh good, you're not dead," Katy said. I nodded slowly. Nikki sighed.

"Katy has something to tell you," she uttered. Katy huffed.

"I'm sorry Amy for yelling at you," she said flatly. I nodded.

"No need to be sorry," I replied, "I'm not mad or anything." She grinned.

"Good, now since we are all together," she explained, "let's go find that key." I nodded and smiled. I went to feel inside my pocket for the necklace, but I didn't feel it. I checked my other pocket. It wasn't there. It must of fell out when I was running. Oh no. Oh no. I tried to look calm so my friends didn't question anything.

Why did I have to lose it? Why?
YES! Chapter done. I hope you guys liked it.

Thanks for reading and see you all next time!!!


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