No Way?!

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Amy's pov
We finally reached the ride. Cave of Mystery; it read. The ride looked like a cavernous hole.  There were mine carts, which you would sit in, with seat belts to "reassure your safety." Fake crystals surrounded the ride. Bella jumped with glee.

"Ooh, Let's go!" She exclaimed.

Nikki shook her head. "But I don't want to..." she replied.
Katy shrugged. "Fine, stay here."
I began to wave my flashlight around. "No! Don't split up!" I yelled, "In horror movies you NEVER split up!"

"Calm down. I thought you didn't believe in the rumors," Bella smirked.

"I don't," I replied. I didn't believe, but I know that splitting up never is a good thing to do.

"Just stay with Nikki, we will be back in a minute." Katy explained.

I nodded. "Ok...but you will need this," I handed her my flashlight.

"Thanks," Katy said, as she walked with Bella to go inside the ride. I stood there with Nikki in the darkness.

"Thanks for sticking with me," She said. I smiled and nodded.

"No problem, it's what friends do,"

"This place looks pretty cool," she explained.

"I know right," I replied, "I wish it was still open."

"Me t-" Screams filled the air, and they were coming from inside the ride. We both jumped. At that moment Katy and Bella came out panting with fear in their eyes.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I asked. They both looked terrified.

"W-we. Almost. DIED!" Katy screamed, still panting.

"What are you talking about?" Nikki asked. Katy threw me my flashlight. I shinned it on them. They both didn't say a word, and were still shaking.

"Guys...what happened?" I said in a soothing tone. Bella started to shake more.

"W-w-well, me and K-Katy started to w-w-walk and we t-thought we saw something...o-or someone..." Bella trailed off.

"And?" Nikki asked. Katy clenched her fists and stopped shaking.

"We looked around and saw a scary looking clown. HE TRIED TO KILL US! HE HAD LONG NAILS AND A CONE NOSE...and that laugh...." Katy shivered. I noticed that Bella didn't have her pilers.

"What happened to your pilers?" I asked. That's when her face twisted in fear.

"He took them. I was trying to protect us, and he took them," Bella said. Nikki kept staring at the ground and her breath turned slow.

"D-Did the clown wear black and white and have sharp teeth?" She asked them. They both nodded with wide eyes.

"Why do you ask?" Katy questioned. Nikki was silent.

"Come on, tell us," Bella uttered. That's when Nikki started to shake and stutter.

"We n-n-need to get out of here, NOW!" Nikki exclaimed. I was confused. Katy and Bella could be lying just to scare us. That's when I looked at them and saw Bella's ripped shirt and Katy's gash on her cheek. Then I looked at Nikki who had fearful eyes and kept looking left and right. That's when I realized it.

"You know who attacked them, don't you?" I said. Nikki nodded.

"Yes I do...h-his name is Laughing Jack and he is a creepypasta. He kills people, mostly children. He loves candy, and loves making "fun." Listen, we need to get out of here before he comes over here!" Nikki explained.

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