This Isn't Goodbye...

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Amy's pov
Everyone, including my friends, looked at me in shock.

"Wow..." L.J. chuckled. Katy quickly grabbed the key from my hand.

"Finally!" She exclaimed, "Let's get out of here!" They nodded and ran like heck to the gate. They unlocked it and left like lightning. I saw the the sun was coming up. It was really pretty. It reminded me of Romeo and Juliet with the last scene. The prince said something, but what was it?

"A glooming peace this morning with it brings; The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head: Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things: Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:For never was a story of more woe,
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo," I whispered out loud to myself. Everyone looked at me strange.

"Sorry," I uttered, "It's just that this sunrise reminds me of something I read before." I turned towards the gate and slightly laughed.

"Wow...they ran really fast," I said. I looked back to the Creepypastas I met. "I guess this is where...I say farewell." Dr. Smiley went up to me and patted my head.

"It was great to meet you," he uttered, "I hope we meet again." I smiled.

"You too, Dr. Smiley," I replied, "Thanks again for fixing my arm." He nodded. I looked at Toby.

"As always...y-you were right," Toby said while twitching, "you really haven't changed. I'm... gonna miss you, A-Amy. You have always been a great friend." I hugged him quickly.

"Thanks Toby," I replied, "It was great to see you again." Then I remembered I have to give Ben the bracelet I made him.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed as I walked up to Ben, "Ben, I have something to give you."

"I have something to give you too, princess," he replied as he reached into his pocket, "I believe you dropped this." It was the necklace that Ben gave me earlier, but I lost it.

"I'm so sorry," I stated sadly, "I didn't mean to lose it. I was going to go back and look for it, but I was so focus on trying to find the key I-"

"It's ok Amy!" He exclaimed while half-laughing, "You did nothing wrong. I understand you dropped it by accident. Here, it's yours." I took the necklace and just to be sure I wouldn't lose it, I put it around my neck.

"How does it look?" I asked giggling a little.

"It looks great," he answered. I smiled and grabbed the bracelet I made for him from my pocket.

"This is for you, Ben," I uttered. He took the loom bracelet from my hand.

"I told you I would make you one," I stated, "I hope you like."

"Like it?" He said, "I love it. It's green! My favorite color." He put on the bracelet and smiled. "Thank you so much." I smiled and nodded. He pulled me in for a hug. I didn't hesitate. I hugged him. It just felt natural now.

"I think I might miss you the most," I said in his arms.

"You're the only one I'm going to miss," he smirked. I chuckled. Suddenly...I felt a pair of cold lips make contact with my forehead. He...kissed my forehead. I looked up at his eyes. My face turned a light shade of pink.

"Please....don't forget about me, princess," he stated, "Don't forget about the others either." I nodded.

"I won't," I said, "I promise I will remember all of you." I let go of him. Bloody tears fell from Ben's eyes.

"Aw, don't cry," I muttered, "This isn't goodbye, Ben. I'm sure we'll see each other again! Look at me and Toby. We thought we wouldn't see each other again, but we did."

"But what if it's different," he whispered out. I felt teary-eyed.

"I...won't accept that," I replied, "I know we will see each other again. I'll make sure of it!" Ben took my hand.

"Come...with me, with us," he stated. I stared at him. This was sudden. But I knew it wouldn't work out. Even though I would want it to. But what if my friends need me when I'm gone? What if things don't work out and Ben hates me? I sighed and let go of his hand.

"Ben I-"

I got interrupted by Katy yelling, "Amy! Come on!"

"Hold on a sec!" I yelled back. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry...friends you know..." I uttered, "Like I was saying, I don't think it would work out. I mean...I'm not a killer. I'm not a Creepypasta. I'm a human. I'm...Amy. I'm sorry, Ben. Besides...what if they need me?" Ben sighed and knew he couldn't change my mind.

"You have no idea how much I'm gonna miss you, princess," he said.

"Same here, Ben," I replied, "...Welp! This has been such an interesting night, but I must say farewell. I hope our paths cross again someday!"

I waved and said, "Bye!" I turned around and ran. I didn't want to keep my friends waiting. Once I made it out of the amusement park, the lights from the place turned off. The sunrise gave us enough light to find our way back To our homes.

"We never speak of this again," Nikki stated right before she entered her house. We nodded and she went inside. We dropped off Bella and Katy later on. Now it was just me walking. I was of course going to my foster home. Once I got there I unlocked the door with the spare key that was in the mail-box.

I quietly opened the door and went upstairs into my room. I changed into comfy clothes and laid on my lumpy bed. I kept Ben's necklace on. I sighed as I stared up at the blank ceiling.

I should of said yes, I thought, I should of went with him. I ALREADY miss him. But...we should be able to see each other again. I know we will. Please...let us see each other again.

I felt a tear roll down cheek.

Oh God, please let me see him again. He's one of the few who actually got to know me. He's helped me through this crazy adventure. He and I get along well so please let us see each other again. Please....I'll do anything just to see him again. I don't care when, but I rather it be soon. But if I have to wait a while I will...

I felt myself getting sleepy. I closed my eyes and went into my "magical" dream world hoping for tomorrow or I guess since it's morning, today to be a beautiful day.

Yes the story is over! I hope you guys liked it!

Bye guys and thanks for reading!!!


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