Best Lookout Ever?

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Ben Drowned's pov
I was walking with Jeff, L.J., Dr. Smiley, and Toby, but soon we were about to part ways. Laughing Jack got the key out of his right pocket.

"Here Jeff," He said as he handed the key to him, "Just in case we still need to hide the key. I trust you with it." Jeff nodded and put the key in his pocket. Dr. Smiley sighed.

"Why can't we let them go?..." He asked. L.J. groaned.

"I would be fine if it was just Amy..." he said, "But the others, they deserve to die."

"B-But she cares about them deeply," Toby uttered while twitching.

"I don't understand why she's friends with them," Ben uttered, "Sure, I know Amy's afraid of being alone and stuff like that. I get that, but she can do so much better."

"What are you talking about?" Dr. Smiley asked. Oh yeah...Dr. Smiley and Toby don't know what happened. They didn't see or hear Amy's friends yelling at her.

"Her friends got mad and yelled at her," I explained, "It was mostly the blonde one that was yelling though."

"I heard her name was Katy," Dr. Smiley said.

"They...made her cry..." I stated, "And she even told me that wasn't the first time her friends made her cry!" I kept getting angry thinking about it. She deserves better friends. Look at all she's doing for them and this is all they do to her.

"I-I never knew that," Toby uttered. L.J. giggled.

"It's true!" He chuckled, "I've seen it with my own eyes. We should be doing the plan now. Bye!" He walked off giggling and skipping. Classic Laughing Jack.

"Hey, do you see that?" Dr. Smiley asked. There was something shiny on the ground. It was the necklace I gave Amy. She must of dropped it. I quickly grabbed the necklace and put it in my pocket.

"Wasn't that the necklace you gave Amy?" Jeff asked. I nodded.

"She must of dropped it," I uttered, "I guess we'll see her soon enough." Jeff nodded.

"Y-You gave that to A-Amy?" Toby asked while twitching.

"Yeah and she liked it a lot," I replied.

"That's c-cool," He told me, "That looks like s-something she would like." I nodded and got ready to do the ambush. At least I can give this back to Amy when I see her again. I sighed. Please nothing go wrong....please.
Amy's pov
Man...who knew lookout could be this boring! I might of actually overthought this whole situation. I don't see anything bad happening so that's good. My friends are safe and this plan might work.

But if the plan does work I won't be able to see Toby again...or Ben. It's weird...I can't get Ben out of my head. He's just been so nice to me. It's like I've known him forever. It's like I've known him longer than Toby! I laughed at that thought.

I still need to give Ben that bracelet. I'll try to find him! He shouldn't be too far away. Besides...I can be "looking out" while I look for Ben. I know...sounds weird, but I believe it's true. I smiled and walked around. Now where could he be?

What was weird is that I saw the other Creepypastas by each other. Like they were planning something...but what? It made no sense to me. Then I saw L.J. by...himself? Now that is really strange. I walked away and leaned against a concession stand. Why?

Why would everyone be close to L.J. but not too close that people would see them? Why would he make it look like he is by himself? Doesn't he know he looks...ALONE AND WEAK! Oh my god! There planning something and I know it! I gotta abort the plan or mission or whatever. Something bad is going to happen. I gotta warn them. I started running to where my friends might be.

"Abort!" I screamed as I ran, "Abort mission, I repeat..ABORT MISS-" But it was too late. I heard my friends scream. All...of them were screaming.

"NO!" I yelled. I ran to where I heard them screaming. There was a circle of people and inside the circle was my friends. They were alive...thank god. I carefully pushed my way through the crowd of the people called Creepypastas.

"Excuse me," I said as I passed them. I made it to the center of the circle and my friends were indeed ok. I panted because of how much yelling and running I was doing. I quickly regained my breath and sighed.

"Didn't you guys hear me say, abort?" I questioned my friends. They shook their heads no. I looked at all of the people who surrounded us. I...have met each and everyone of them once.

"Good job...lookout...." Nikki groaned quietly. I frowned.

"Sorry, but I didn't realized their plan until now," I whispered.

"So...we meet again, gumdrop," L.J. giggled. I looked at him.

"I suppose so, L.J.," I replied, "I was told you have the key. Is that information true?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"Nope!" He said, "I don't have it...even ask your friends." I looked at them.

"It's true...he doesn't have the key," Bella stated sadly. Now this was really strange. I'm not sure about Dr. Smiley, but I know Toby would never lie to me. He's my friend.

"Oh..." I muttered. After I said that, no one was doing anything. No one was killing OR talking. I looked at everyone. They must be tired and sick of all this.

"May I please say something?" I asked addressing everyone. No one was objecting so I took that as a yes.

"Now, I'm no expert or anything," I said, "But I'm pretty sure most of you are sick and tired of doing this little 'game.' Am I right?" Most of them nodded.

"To be honest...I kinda am too," I explained, "So, let's make a wager or bet that will settle this once and for all! Winner takes all!"

"What's the bet?" Masky asked. I thought for a minute before coming up with the "perfect" bet. This bet could indeed settle everything once and for all. A part of me is scared of the wager though...but that doesn't matter. It's now or never...

"Well..." I stated.
CLIFFHANGER!!! Yes I am so evil!

MWHAHAHAHAAHA! Sorry...but I love making cliffhangers.

Thank you all for reading.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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