The Kidnap Attempt (Part 1)

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Amy's pov
I heard L.J. laugh and turned around. Of course I saw Laughing Jack, but I saw others also. Jeff, Smile, and a guy in a blue mask with black gunk coming from his eye sockets were there too.

I waved and causally said, "Oh hi..." I looked at the guy with the blue mask.

"Hi I'm Amy," I uttered, "what's your name?"

"Eyeless Jack," he replied, "but you can call me E.J. if you want." I nodded and smile.

"It's great to meet you," I explained happily.

"You too?" he muttered confused and questionably. Smile went up to me and licked my hand. I rubbed it's ear.

"Aw, hi buddy," I spoke, "is it a boy or girl?"

"A boy," Jeff answered. I bent down and rubbed his head and side. He nudged his head in my chest. I giggled. He then licked my face. Then he whined.

"What's wrong boy?" I asked Smile. He rubbed his head on my bandage arm. I smiled and scratched his ear.

"Don't worry about that," I uttered, "it's all ok now. Besides...I've been through worst." Smile yelped and licked my face like crazy. I chuckled and got back up. I look at the other guys. Something didn't seem right. I mean...there wasn't something right about this scene. I needed to leave from this place. At least I was going to leave to find my friends anyway.

"Sorry," I said, "but I must go and find my friends. Bye guys and it was nice to meet you E.J."

I was walking away until Jeff smirked, "Did you you really think you could just walk away from me...AGAIN?! FOR A SECOND TIME?!" I felt nervous and quickly turned around. Jeff rushed towards me. I spinned to the right and made him stumble. Eyeless Jack tired to grab me, but I dodged. Then L.J. tried to tackle me, but I quickly jumped back. I stared at all of them.

What the heck was going on? I thought, Are they trying to kill me?

I stuttered, "W-What's going on?" Laughing Jack laughed.

"Isn't it obvious," he chuckled, "we are trying to kidnap you." I mouthed a, "oh." I looked at Ben and he looked away from me. Smile whined behind Jeff.

"But why?" I asked confusingly.

"You're a threat, gumdrop," L.J. answered, "we need to get you out of the way." Me? I thought, THEM? They are more of threat to me and my friends than I am to them.

I laughed nervously, "Me? A threat? Really? Come on guys, I'm no threat. You can all kill me in one second. And that's no joke." Jeff huffed a sigh.

"Then why can't we kill your friends when you're around?" he questioned. I was silent. I have been trying to protect them, obviously. In my opinion that's a good thing, but to them that's bad.

"I...have been protecting them, my friends," I explained, "Besides, that many of you against me right now is not fair." L.J. giggled.

"Do you think I care if it's fair or not?" he smirked.

"I guess not..." I replied. Then I realized that I forgot someone. Dr. Smiley. I need to get to him.

"Enough talk," Jeff uttered impatiently, "you're coming with us if you like it or not." I backed away from them.

"Uh..." I started to run, "Dr. Smiley!!!" I screamed. I heard footsteps behind me. Nope, nope, nope! My mind repeated. I hope I don't get caught...


Dr. Smiley's pov
I still didn't feel comfortable letting Amy be by herself with Ben. I leaned against a concession stand waiting for her return, which was taking a bit long. I may not be a love expert, but there seemed to be a little...spark between Ben and Amy. They looked like they could make a cute couple. I laughed to myself at the thought.

"Dr. Smiley!!!" I heard Amy screamed. Oh no, I knew it wasn't a good idea for her to go. Right before I could run towards her sound, she came running towards me. She hid behind me and started to pant.

"Are you ok, Ms. Amy?" I asked her as I turned around and bend down to her level. She nodded while panting.

"Yeah..." Amy answered weakly. Suddenly Jeff, Smile, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, and Ben came running towards us. I turned around and Amy stayed behind me.

"Great Dr. Smiley," Jeff uttered, "you caught her. Now give her to us." I crossed my arms.

"Why should I?" I asked a bit mad.

"Because she's in the way," L.J. giggled, "we can't kill her friends when she keeps protecting them. Don't you want to kill her friends?" I looked at Amy. I did deep down. I didn't know how they were like, but Amy does care about them deeply. What do I do? That's when I realized they would probably kill her. I made up my mind.

"You guys are going to kill her...she will NOT be killed here," I said. Jeff got really frustrated. He got out his knife.

"Give her to us...NOW!" he urged. Jeff never got under my skin while some Creepypastas let him get under theirs.

"You don't scare me, Jeff," I replied calmly. Laughing Jack came up to me and grabbed me fast. Then he disappeared in a black smoke...bringing me with him, leaving Amy defenseless. We appeared in front of a rusted, iron door.

"This is where Amy is going to'll see her soon..." L.J. spoke. Laughing Jack disappeared in a black smoke before I could say anything else. I knew this place. This was where a few Creepypastas, like Jeff, would take a victim to have a bit more "fun" with them. So basically it's a torture chamber. This place was no way close to the amusement park. That's way he teleported.

Why do this to Amy? I questioned in my mind, She is as innocent as they come. A...heart of gold if you will. All she's doing is trying to save her friends, which I find very heroic. And if I was right, Ben might have something for her...he did blush when Amy said he was cool. I sighed.

Please be ok, Amy...please be ok...


So, that's part 1 of the two part chapter. I didn't want to make the chapter too long so I'm just going to make the chapter into two parts.


Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it.

See you all next time!!!


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