The Return Of Ben

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Ben's pov
I was still looking for Amy. I hope she was ok. Ben....WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! You don't want her to be ok. You want her to die! I kept walking until I saw a body on the ground. When I was about to go inspect the body, the person jumped up and looked around. I smiled because it was Amy...and she was all alone.


Amy's pov
I woke up with a jolt. I jumped up and looked around. I was back at the amusement park...great. Then again, I knew this might happen. It just couldn't have been that easy. My book bag was gone and I had a note in my hand. I usually read notes and stuff out load when I'm alone...weird I know. I read out load:

"Dear Amy,

Ha, I wonder where your book bag is? Do I have it???


I groaned. You GOTTA be kidding me? My friends were gone too. I hope they are ok. I began to walk. I looked inside ticket booths and the carnival games booths for the key or my book bag, but I haven't found anything. I also haven't seen signs of my friends either. I sighed as I looked in another game booth to find nothing useful.

"Still trying to find that key, princess," I heard a familiar guy smirk. I turned around to see Ben. I nodded.

"Yeah," I replied, "of course I am." He shook his head and laughed.

"You're never going to find it," I shrugged.

"I will if I try my best to find it," I uttered. I started to walk away, but he walked right beside me.

"So...where are your friends?" he asked. I stopped walking.

"I don't really know," I answered, "My friends and I were trying to escape by climbing the fence. We made it to the other side, but I heard static and everything went black. When I woke up I was back here and my friends were gone." Ben nodded.

"Well, the person who knocked you out was Slenderman," Ben explained.

"Hm, why does that sound so familiar?...." I questioned myself. Ben kept quiet until I snapped my fingers.

"Of course!" I exclaimed, "how stupid of me. There's a game called Slender: The Eight Pages," He smiled and nodded.

"I have heard of that," He said.

"I just never played it before, but Nikki and Bella have," Nikki and Bella, my friends. And of course Katy too. They better be ok. I sighed.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Ben asked. I frowned.

"I just hope my friends are alright," I explained, "I don't want them to die...they can't die. I won't let that happen." Ben grinned.

"I'm pretty sure if one of them were about to die, we would hear them scream REALLY LOUDLY," he joked. I giggled and smiled.

"Yeah, true..." Ben looked at me weird.

"Didn't you have a book bag on you?" he asked. I groaned.

"Yeah, but...Laughing Jack took it," I replied. He mouthed "Oh" and nodded.

"I can help you look for it," he said. I stared at him wide-eyed.

"Really?" I questioned, "You would?" He shrugged.

"Why not?" He explained, "I don't have anything else to do." I smiled.

"Thank you so much," I muttered, "This means a lot." He grinned.

"Anything for you, princess," he said, "what's in your bag anyway?" I crossed my arms.

"Just some water, snacks, my flashlight that I payed for, and my loom board plus rubber bands." He looked at me confused.

"Loom board?" Ben questioned. I nodded.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, "it's how I make these!" I showed him my left wrist which had five loom bracelets on them. Ben looked at them with awe.

"That's so cool," he uttered, "Will you make me one?" I nodded.

"Sure," I replied, "After I find my book bag," We walked together and were trying to find my book bag, but there was one question that kept crossing my mind.

Why was he being so nice to me?


Another chapter finished! I hope you like it.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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