Bracelet Making Fun

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Amy's pov
"How did you get this?" I asked as I
pulled out all the pieces.

"Jeff gave it to me," Sally answered. I nodded. He must of went through my bag with Laughing Jack and Ben. I made sure that the rubber bands, "wand", and loom board were in the box. Which they were.

"Do you really wanna learn how to use this?" I questioned with a smile. Sally nodded eagerly.

"Yes please," she said. I set everything up.

"Ok, what are your two favorite colors?" I asked. She didn't even think for second.

"Pink and purple!" Sally exclaimed. I got out multiple rubber bands of pink and purple.

"So, first what you would do is place the first color in like so," I explained while I put a pink rubber band in the first two pegs. "Then you would put in the next color." I put the purple rubber band in next. "After that you would repeat the two steps until you get your bracelet long enough, which for you won't take too long because of your small wrist."

I showed her the same steps a few more times until I believed the bracelet was good. "Now, you will want to take this clip and put it in the last rubber band you put into place, like so." I did as I said. "Then take this thing, I call it a wand, and put the bottom part of each rubber band over the top of the rubber band." I showed her until the bracelet was almost completed.

"Then you would remove the almost finished bracelet and clip the the other side of the bracelet with the already clipped part. And...there we go!" I presented Sally with the made bracelet. Her face lit up as she took the bracelet from my hand.

"This is so cool!" She exclaimed in excitement. She put the bracelet on.

"Is it too tight?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No, it's perfect," she replied. I smiled.

"Here, you try," I said as I handed her the board and rubber bands. She nodded and got started. Sally was a fast learning. She was doing great. The good thing was that I knew how to make bracelets without the board, but to me it's a bit more tricky. I grabbed two different shades of green. One light and one dark.

I was going to make a bracelet for Ben. I told him I would. While I was making it, Sally and I talked about many things like candy and toys. It was really relaxing. After awhile I completed the bracelet. Hopefully it wasn't too big or too small. I think it's good. I saw that Sally made a bunch.
"That's really good, Sally," I told her. She smiled and giggled.
"Thank you, Amy," she replied, "Here I made one for you." It was black and pink. I took the bracelet and put it on. It fit perfectly.

"Thank you so much Sally," I spoke, "This is the best." That's when I realized that it's probably time to leave. I need to find my friends and the key. I sighed.

"Is something wrong?" Sally asked. I shook my head.

"No, it's just I think I should be going," I answered. She frowned.

"Please stay!" She exclaimed while tugging on my arm.

"I can't...even though a part of me wants to stay here, but hey!" I said, "it's ok. If I have time, I'll come back." Even though a part of me tells me I won't. Sally nodded sadly and started to pick up all of the rubber bands and the loom board plus wand.

"Hey Sally," I uttered, "You can keep the loom board, if you want it." She smiled wide.

"R-Really?!" She replied in disbelief, "I can really have it?!" I smiled back and nodded.

"Yes, of course," I told her. She got up and hugged me., I thought, you gotta love them.

"Thank you so much!" She exclaimed in happiness.

"Your welcome, Sally," I said. I heard Splendorman come over.

"So cute!" He giggled, "You both are absolutely adorable." We both laughed and stopped hugging each other.

"Unfortunately, I really have to go," I uttered sadly, "Farewell thee!" Sally giggled.

"Bye Amy," she said. Slender came over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Be careful, child," he explained. I nodded.

"I will," I replied. At that, I left the gift shop. I put Ben's bracelet in my pocket. Now it's time to find my friends and the key. Man...we're doing this the hard way...aren't we?
Chapter done! I hope you guys liked it.

Wattpad has been acting strange to me...again. But I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I did.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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