Tied Down

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Dr. Smiley's pov
She finally fell asleep into my arms. She looked so peaceful. I grinned and picked her up. Mustn't hurt the specimen...well not yet anyway, I thought. She was curled up in my arms. Good thing I brought that syringe with me. If I didn't I would of lost her. We walked until I found the place I found earlier. The place was a tent with rusty red and white stripes. Inside the tent was a small stage where things could be performed like magic shows.

Laughing Jack was nice enough to have let me bring my instruments and table which I have left in here. I walked towards the stage and put Amy gently on the table. Then I used the rope I brought to tie her down by tying her arms and legs to the table. I grabbed my instruments and put them right next to me.

Now all that was left to do was wait for Amy to wake up. I will admit, I was surprised that Amy was polite and nice towards me. It's hard to find humans these days who are like that. I heard a soft groan come from Amy's mouth. Aw, how cute, I thought. She was going to wake at any moment now. Suddenly, Amy's eyes fluttered opened. I smiled showing all of my sharp teeth.

"Good morning, sleepy head," I said. Surprisingly, she wasn't screaming. Amy just stared at her tied arms then back at me. Then her eyes shifted to the tent's ceiling. Why was she so quiet? Why?


Amy's pov
I woke up to find Dr. Smiley staring at me.

"Good morning, sleepy head," he uttered while smiling. Did he always have sharp teeth. I noticed that my arms were tied to the table. My legs were probably too because I can't move them. I stared at Dr. Smiley.

I don't know how to respond with this. I mean, I know I am going to die, but I don't know what to say to that. Oh, you're gonna kill me now, right? I stopped staring at him and stared at the tent's ceiling. Yep...I was in a tent.

Suddenly, questions started to flood my head. Are my friends ok? Are they dead? Are they being killed RIGHT NOW?! Are they running for their lives, trying to find a way out. Are my friends bawling their eyes out? Those thoughts started to scare me.

I felt Dr. Smiley lift up my shirt so my belly was showing. He grabbed a scalpel. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for any pain that was coming. My friends...please be okay...please don't be dead. I just want you guys to get out of here so please be okay...

I felt the cold metal on my belly, but didn't feel it go into my skin. Something was wrong. Dr. Smiley sighed and lifted the scalpel. He then pulled down my shirt.

"Why are you so...silent?" he asked, "I know you are thinking about something, Ms. Amy." I opened my eyes and stared at him.

"I was just thinking on how I want my friends to be ok," I explained, "I don't want them to die here. I want them to get out of here and be safe. If they die, then that means I failed." Dr. Smiley gave me a confusing look.

"Failed?" he questioned, "What ever do you mean?"

"I mean if they die then I have failed as being good friend, "I replied, "Friends are suppose to care for each other thick and through. If I don't care and let them die, then what kind of friend am I?"

"You really care about your friends, do you?" he muttered.

"Yeah," I said, "I do and all I want is for them to be safe, even if I have to die in the process."

"You mean...you wouldn't care if...you died here?" Dr. Smiley asked.

"No...all I care about is getting my friends out of here alive," I answered. He nodded and grabbed his scalpel again. This time he did something that shocked me. He cut the ropes around my legs and arms. Dr. Smiley then helped me sit up. After that he grabbed a thread, a needle, bandages, and this liquid in a brown bottle.

"You know Ms. Amy," Dr. Smiley said, "you are different from most humans I have encountered. Most humans these days look out for themselves. But you're different. You show everyone kindness. You don't judge people right away. That is a great quality that I wished more people had." He grabbed my arm that had the wound on it, "I'm gonna stitch this up for you, is that ok?"

"Why yes, of course it is," I replied, "thank you so much." I was kinda glad that Dr. Smiley was helping me in the GOOD way...not his way. He opened the brown bottle and was about to pour some of the liquid on my bite mark.

"This may sting a bit, Ms. Amy," Dr. Smiley warned. I nodded. When the liquid made contact to my wound it fizzed up and burned really badly. I winced.

"Just as I thought," he said, "it was infected." Next he grabbed the needle and thread and started to sew up the wound. It hurt at times, but that was ok. Then he grabbed the bandages and wrapped the wound carefully. After he was finished he kissed my newly bandaged arm.

"There we go," he uttered, "all better." Dr. Smiley helped me off the table.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"Of course, Ms. Amy," he said, "it was nothing."

"I know you might not be used to helping people this way, but let me tell you that I am grateful you did help me this way." He laughed and smiled.

"I only give people my true help if they deserve it," he spoke. I smiled.

"I must go and find my friends," I uttered as started to walk away from him and out the tent, "thanks again."

"Wait, Ms. Amy," He said. I turned around.

"Yes Dr. Smiley?" I asked. He walked to me.

"Let me come with you," he replied, "I can protect you from the others and help you find your friends. When we find them, I'll leave so they won't get scared." I couldn't think of anything else to do, but hug him, which I did.

"Thank you so much," I explained in his arms, "this will be a great help. You have no idea how much this means to me, really you don't." He stared down at me and pated my head.

"Of course, Ms. Amy," he muttered while smiling, "I know you really care about them. Shall we go?" I let go of Dr. Smiley and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go," I replied. We walked out of the tent together while we started to look for my friends.


And there we go! Another chapter done. I hope you liked it.

So...the story is getting more interesting...right?

Thanks for reading and bye!

See you all next time!!!!!


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