Does He Care?

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Amy's pov
After a little bit of time passing, Bella and I decided to go look for Nikki and Katy. We got off the bench and started to walk around the amusement park. Bella eventually stopped in her tracks. I turned to face her and stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She crossed her legs.

"I-I-I have to go pee," she responded embarrassed. I laughed slightly and sighed.

"Hm, this is Corpse Party all over again," I said. Bella looked at me confused.

"What are you talking about," she uttered, "and can you hurry up! I really have to go."

"Ok, in the game Corpse Party, there's a girl named Yuka and in the middle of the game she has to go to the bathroom...let's just say bad things happened after that." Bella rocked back and forth. She had her legs crossed super tight.

"D-DID SHE DIE?!" Bella stuttered out afraid.

" kinda depended on multiple variables, but...if you play your cards right she didn't die." Bella nodded.

"CAN WE PLEASE FIND A BATHROOM?!" Bella exclaimed. I nodded my head urgently.

"Yes! Of course," I replied. We didn't have to walk that long to find a bathroom. The door to the ladies room was unlock so that's good. Maybe this isn't like Corpse Party.

"Scream if you need anything or if you are in trouble," I told her. She nodded and told me the same thing. She went inside and I leaned against the bathroom building. I was alone again. Maybe I should of went in too...naw. It will be fine. I sighed. I have got to find the others. They better not be dead. I also got to find that key, but where to look. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that a guy was walking towards me.

"Hey princess," a guy smirked. I snapped out of thought and turned my head. It was Ben. I waved.

"Oh hi," I replied. He leaned against the building next to me. He was holding a bag of chips.

"Wait a minute..." I said, "Are those my chips?" He shook his head no and tried to hide the chips behind his back. I grabbed the bag. There were no chips in the bag.

"Really?" I groaned, "These were the only chips in my bag- wait...YOU WENT THROUGH MY BAG?!" Ben's expression turned mad.

"LAUGHING JACK WAS THE ONE WHO WENT THROUGH YOUR BAG, NOT ME! BLAME HIM!" He exclaimed. I stopped leaning against the building and stood in front of him. I looked into his demon-like eyes. I felt so bad for yelling at him. I frowned.

"Sorry, you're right," I said sorrowfully, "I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I'm really sorry Ben." He had a small smile on his face.

"No, I'm sorry," he explained, "I shouldn't have yelled at you," There was a silence after that, but it didn't feel like an awkward silence. We just stared at each other. He then noticed my arm.

" did that happen?" he asked. I looked at my arm and winced quietly in pain.

"I got a dog," I answered. Ben nodded.

"Yeah...Jeff told me about that, but I didn't know that the bite was THAT bad," he explained. Jeff told him about that. I wonder....

"What else did he tell you?" I questioned. Ben shrugged.

"Jeff said that you blocked Smile from your friend and that you walked away from him when he asked you why you aren't afraid," I shook my head.

"But I did answer him. I said I was afraid," I uttered.

"Are you really scared, princess?" I opened my mouth to say yes, but quickly shut it. Was I really afraid? At first I was, but now I'm not quite sure. Gosh, why do emotions have to be so darn confusing!

"I'm...not quite sure anymore," I replied. Ben took my wounded arm and examined it.

"You should really get that patched up, princess," he said.

"Yeah, I know I should, but I don't have anything to use to patch it up," I muttered. He sighed. I copied him, but more dramatically. We both laughed.

"Listen princess, I have to go," he said.

"Ok, bye Ben," I spoke.

He was about to leave when he uttered, "and princess."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Good luck and please...don't die," Then he was gone like that. I had a faint smile on my face as those words kept bouncing through my head. Bella came out of the bathroom.

"What's with that smile?" She questioned. I turned and looked at her.

"Oh nothing, let's go find Nikki and Katy," Bella nodded as we left to search for them. Does Ben really care about me? He wouldn't just say that to anyone right? Or maybe he is playing a game with me. But what if he isn't? What if he truly cares about me? I guess time will tell...


Another chapter finished! Sorry it took so long.

I hope you liking this story and there's more soon coming.

Bye and see you all next time.


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