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Amy's pov
I stared at the face-less man. I was still upside down. How can he talk without a mouth? I asked myself in my head.

"I just...can, child," he answered. My eyes turned wide. Did he just read my mind?!

"Yes, I did," he replied. That's so awesome.

"Whoa..." I whispered, "so cool." Thoughts started to flood my head. Wait a minute...is he going to kill me now? I still need to ask him about letting me and my friends leaving here and leaving us alone afterwards. If I die now then my friends safety will be in danger. Not like it already is. It's all my fault. Why did I have to suggest coming here? Gah, I'm so stupid! I'm going to die and I'm not saying anything to help out my frien-

Slender dropped me unto the floor. He rubbed his head as if he had a headache. He winced. Was he ok? He sighed.

"Child...you think a lot, don't you?" Slender asked. I nodded slowly.

"Yes I do, Mr. Slenderman," I answered while I stood up from the ground. The other guy walked towards me and pinched my cheek.

"Aren't you just the cutest!" He exclaimed. He let go of my cheek and I blushed.

"T-Thank you?" I stuttered while titling my head in confusion.

"Aw, even cuter," he said. The little girl came in and pouted.

"I thought I was the cutest!" she yelled in a cute voice.

"Aw, Sally. You shall always be the cutest," the guy said. She giggled and clutched her teddy bear. So...her name is Sally. I saw those two walk over to a table and started to play...tea party? I looked at them confusingly. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Slender.

"Sorry about my brother, Splendorman," he uttered.

"Oh, it's ok," I replied, "Anyway, I need to talk to you Mr. Slenderman." He nodded and guided me to some chairs. We sat facing each other.

"Ok, what did you want to discuss?" he asked.

"Well you see, I know you don't really know me," I explained, "But I have a favor I would like to propose to you." I waited for him to see if I should keep talking.

"Go on, child," he insisted. I nodded.

"Well, Laughing Jack has agreed to let me have the key and let me and my friends escape from here," I said, "But he told me that there would be people who would most likely come to bother us later on. So, all I'm asking is that could you please tell the other people here that it's ok for us to leave and to not bother us afterwards."

"I don't think I can do that child..." Slender uttered. Did he think I was lying? I wasn't lying though.

"I know, child," he spoke, "But I don't think I could trust you all of the secret of our existence." He just read my mind...again.

"I understand, "I replied, "But if you can't have all of us leave, then can you please let go of my friends?" Slender was silent.

Was he reading my mind, again? Why wasn't he telling me yes or no? I wouldn't care if I had to stay here and die. As long as my friends are ok. He's gonna say no, isn't he? Please don't say no! Say yes please. I know he doesn't know us, but...my friends are good people. They could keep a secret...

My brain started to flood with more and more thoughts to the point where I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings. I didn't see Slender cover his head in pain. My thoughts just kept coming. I felt hands shake my shoulders.

"Child! Child! Please stop," he said. I snapped back into focus. He held his head. "I need to be more careful when I read your mind," Slender uttered to himself.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, "Did I...hurt you?" He sighed.

"You have a very...interesting mind-set. There aren't a lot of humans who could give me headaches if they think too much." He explained. I nodded slowly.

"Can I please have the answer, Mr. Slenderman?" I asked.

"Well, you see I know you trust them," he answered, "But I don't know if I could trust them. You trust them because they are your friends, but I don't believe I could." I sighed.

"Could you at least try?" I questioned.

"I'll tell you what," he replied, "I can just let you go. I mean, you seem trustworthy. This is your only chance though. Either now, or never again. You choose." I already knew the answer to that question.

"Sorry, but I can't accept that. My friends come first, not me," I muttered. He nodded.

"I had a feeling you would answer like that, Amy," Slender said.

"Wait," I replied, "How do you know my name?" He slightly chuckled.

"Laughing Jack told me about you earlier," he explained, "Also, Ticci Toby came in here not too long ago saying that we should let you leave." I nodded.

"Ok, that makes sense," I uttered. I heard Sally run towards us.

"Wait, your name is Amy!?" She exclaimed in excitement. I smiled as nodded.

"Yep," I spoke, "it is." She jumped in joy and brought over a familiar looking box.

"Then you know how this toy works, right?" she asked, "Your name is on it." I looked the box. It was where I would keep my loom board and rubber bands. I opened it and they were all there. And yes, my name was on the side of the box. How did she get this?
CHAPTER COMPLETED! I hope you guys liked it.

Wattpad kept deleting part of my chapter repeatedly, but I finally managed to get this done.

I will write more as soon as I can.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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