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Jeff's pov
Smile and I have been walking around. I wanted to kill Amy's friends but a part of me told me not to. She does really care about them. I sighed not knowing what to do. Smile licked my face. I chuckled.

"Smile, you're the best," I said. He barked and nudged me. I heard a familiar voice.

"Jeff," Ben greeted. I turned.

"Hey Ben," I uttered. Then I saw L.J. come by us too.

"Hey Benny!" L.J. giggled, "Did you give Amy the present yet?" Ben blushed and shook his head.

"No...not yet." I got confused and tilted my head.

"What present?" I asked. Ben pulled out a golden necklace in a shape of a heart from his pocket. The necklace was beautiful, but of course not as beautiful as me. "Wow...she'll love it." I said. Ben grinned.

"I hope so," he muttered, "Wanna come with me?" We three, yes even Smile, nodded. We all walked around until we saw Amy, but she was with her friends. We all listened to the conservation they were having and we were shocked on what we heard.

I may enjoy a person's pain, but this...this was too much for a girl like Amy...
Amy's pov
My friends and I were still looking for the key. We were almost out of spots to look. It feels like it has been forever too. We looked in a bumper car ride, but found nothing. Of course we didn't find anything. Nikki sighed as we exited the ride.

"This is hopeless," she uttered, "let's just face the facts. We are going to die here." Bella nodded.

"You're right," she said, "But I'm scared to die. I don't want to die." Tears started to flood her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her, but she stepped back.
"N-No!" She sniffled, "this is all YOUR FAULT!" Her tears of sadness turned into tears of hate. I didn't mean to do this.

"I-I-" I got interrupted.

"Bella's right," Nikki replied coldly. No...not her too. I didn't want them to be in danger.

"But-" Katy smirked.

"But what? Go on! Tell us. Oh wait! There's no excuses for this! NONE! I have been wanting to say this to you since the moment we got trapped in this stupid place.

THIS.IS.ALL.YOUR.FAULT! No one else's, but yours. Can't you see, Amy? This was all you! And what makes matters worse is that you kept disappearing. WANNA KNOW HOW STRESSFUL AND SELFISH THAT WAS?! It was pretty bad. See the PAIN you are causing to your friends? CAN YOU SEE THE PAIN, AMY?!" She screamed.

Please stop, I thought, please stop... But she didn't. She kept on and yelled and screamed at me.

"You are causing the pain! It doesn't matter who kills us because in the end, it was your doing. Your STUPID mind and bad choices are leading us to death! Why couldn't you just have some COMMON SENSE AND NOT COME HERE OR DRAG US ALONG?! YOU ARE A STUPID, PATHETIC, NO GOOD, HORRIBLE, UGLY B*TCH WHO DOESN'T CARE FOR ANYONE, BUT HERSELF!" The words stung me, hard, but it was the last words she spoke to me that hurt the most.

"NO WONDER WHY YOUR REAL PARENTS ABANDONED YOU!" She yelled. Katy took a deep breath to calm her down afterwards.

"Come on guys," she uttered, "let's go find the key ourselves." Bella and Nikki both nodded and left me. I was...alone. I stood there, un-movingly staring blankly ahead. I walked over to a nearby bench and sat slowly down. I looked up at the stars.

Why? I thought, Why do I have to be such an awful friend. Look what I caused. It's all my fault. All of this was...me. Their pain is all caused by me. Why?...Why do I have to be a stupid, selfish, screw-up girl who can't help out her friends?! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Tears started to come down my cheeks. I put my head down and sobbed quietly.

Look at yourself, Amy, my mind spat, You are nothing. You are worthless. No one wants you around. You cause mistakes every second of everyday. You can't do anything right. You are ugly, hideous, and horrid to look at. You are also so stupid, that you can't even realize that this place was going to lead to misfortune. But, BEST of all...the one that takes the cake is that you were an accident. Your parents abandoned you because you weren't suppose to happen...right? That's why you don't have a family, right? RIGHT?! It all makes sense, doesn't it Amy? You stupid, pathetic girl, it was so obvious...

I was still crying. I just couldn't stop. I was alone, sobbing with my head down. Suddenly, I felt a pair of cold arms wrapped around me from the side. I looked up and turned my head. It was Ben. Our eyes met and I couldn't keep in my sadness anymore. I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder. My breaths became sharp and my sobs became louder.

Ben rubbed my back in circler motions while he whispered in my ear, "Shhh, it's ok. Just let it all out. I'm here. It's all ok now. I'm here for you, Amy...always. It's ok to cry on my shoulder. I'll be here for you." I hugged him tight. His voice was so calm and soothing. I...needed this. I needed a hug from a person, a friend like Ben. Then I realized something.

That's the first time he called me by my real name...
And there we go! Chapter done :D

I hope you liked it and thanks for reading.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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