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Amy's pov
Katy, Bella, and Nikki were STILL in the bathroom. I sighed in boredom. I didn't want to go to far away from the restrooms because if they need my help, then I'll be right there. Also, I didn't want Katy mad at me.

I don't like it when people are mad at me. It makes me feel like I "wronged" the person. I don't want people to think I am a bad person. I try not to be. I try to be the best I can...especially in front of my friends.

I always try to listen to my friends ad do what they say. I barely ever force them to do stuff with or for me. Coming here was one of the few things I forced them to do.

That's why it's my fault. Katy even knew that. If I didn't force them to come, then they would be in their beds peacefully dreaming in dreamland. Or if I had used some common sense and decided not to come here at all like a smart person, but no. Of course I didn't because I'm an idiot. Why am I always a screw-up?

I sighed at my own thoughts. I went a little bit away from the bathrooms and started to look around for the key. Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure sitting at a picnic table. It was Ben.
I smiled and greeted, "Hey Ben!" He turned around and faced me. A smile appeared on his face.

"Hi Princess," he greeted back.

"Is it ok if I sit and chat with you?" I asked.

"Of course it is," Ben answered. I sat across from him.

"So, what's up?" I questioned. He grinned.

"The sky, duh," he smirked. I slightly laughed.

"Oh ha ha," I uttered. He grinned.

"So, what did Slender say about leaving and stuff?" Ben questioned. I sighed.

"He said that he won't let my friends go because he doesn't trust them with the secret of your guys' existence. Then he offered to let me go because he could trust me. But I declined, telling him my friends come first. Now I have to find the key manually," I explained.

"I'm sorry," Ben uttered, "But, don't worry, princess, you're very smart. You'll find the key in no time." I smiled.

"Thanks Ben," I told him. He nodded.

"I'm just stating the truth," he replied,

" looks like you haven't found your friends yet, am I right?"

"Actually I did find them," I muttered,
"it's just that they had to go to the restroom. I got bored waiting for them and walked around. That's why I'm here talking to you."

"Oh ok," he spoke, "So...what do you wanna talk about now?"

" you believe in unicorns?" I asked. He laughed at my question.

"Alright," he answered, "I'll roll with this and no...I don't believe in unicorns."

"Ok, how about magic?" I questioned.
"Um... yeah," he replied, "Some people I know use some sort of "magic." I nodded.

"Fairies?" I said.

"In Legend of Zelda of course, but not in real life," he explained.

"How about mermaids?" Ben shivered.

"Those better not be real," he uttered, "I don't like pools, or lakes, or oceans, or...anything I could drown in." I grinned and smiled.

"I can see why you wouldn't want mermaids to be real," I said, "Ok, do you believe in angels?" He thought for awhile.

"Yes...I believe in angels," he replied.

"Really?" I questioned, "why?"

"Well because...I have met one before," he answered, "but that's a story for another time." I didn't want to force him to tell me, even though I was curious. I nodded and smiled.

"I think I should get back to my friends to see if they are done going to the restroom," I explained. Ben sighed.

"Ok...see you later princess," Ben uttered.

"Bye Ben!" I exclaimed as I got up and walked away. When I made it back to the restrooms I saw my friends outside the building.

"Where were you?" Katy asked, mad.

"I'm sorry," I uttered, "I was-" She groaned.

"Doesn't matter," she huffed, "let's just go." We all nodded and walked around looking for the key. I didn't give Ben the bracelet I made him because I felt like I shouldn't give it to him...well not yet anyway.
Ben's pov
I watch Amy walk away. She's just so wonderful. That's when I realized something. I should get her a gift. I got up and walked around, hoping I would run into L.J., which I did a little bit later.

"Hey L.J." I muttered. He giggled.

"Hey Ben," he replied, "What's on your mind?"

"I want to get Amy a gift," I said, "Can you help me?" L.J. laughed.

"Aw, Benny wants to buy little Amy a present," he cooed. I blushed. Then he laughed even more.

"Ok, Ben," he finally uttered, "I'll help." We transported in a black smoke to a place that looked like a jewelry store.
"It's a good place this is far away," Laughing Jack said. I nodded while I looked around for the right thing. Then I found it.

It was a golden necklace in the shape of a heart. It also had silver in it two. (See picture at the top/beginning of chapter to see the necklace). It was perfect for Amy.

"This one is perfect," I said as I pointed to the the necklace. Laughing Jack carefully used his claws to cut open the glass container where the necklace was stored and handed it to me.

"There you go," he giggled. We transported back. I smiled and kept reappearing thank you to him before I left. I sat next to a ride and looked at the necklace.

I hope you like this necklace Amy. You deserve something as nice as this. Oh Amy, you are the most beautiful princess in the world. Even though you're not a real princess, you could be one. You are so pure and innocent.
But not just that. You are so kind and gentle that it's amazing. You even listen to me and what I have to say. Your smiling face makes me smile. You laughter is beautiful in my ears.

I sighed. my eyes, you are an angel. And that's why I believe in angels.
And...that's the chapter. I hope you liked it!
STUPID WATTPAD! Deleting my stuff is NOT ok! Oh well. I got this chapter done anyway.
Bye and see you all next time!!!

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