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Ben Drowned's pov
I looked at Amy's unconscious body. I'm glad we didn't hurt her. Laughing Jack held Amy in his arms. Not fair, I thought, I wanted to hold her. We all gathered around L.J. and he "teleported" us to the place where Amy would be held. I didn't want to call it a torture chamber because I knew she would be held in there. Dr. Smiley was there leaning against the cell door. He gave us a cold stare.

"You shouldn't do this," he said, "this isn't right for a girl, a human like her. The others I don't really care about, but Amy...she's different from any other human I have ever met. She truly cares about others and if you hurt or even kill WILL regret it." Jeff groaned.

"You'll see that we are doing the right thing by keeping her here," Jeff uttered, "besides...maybe in here she might express her true colors." Would that be true? I mean, was she lying about how much she cared about them? Did she pretend to be nice towards me? There's no way she did. We opened the cell door and chained Amy's arms to the blood-stained wall.

I felt so bad for doing this. I didn't want to chain her up like this. I sighed. Even when knocked out she looks breathtaking. I sat down close to her. The other guys were about to leave.

"Aren't you coming?" Jeff asked. I shook my head no.

"I'm gonna...make sure she's ok when she wakes up," I replied. Jeff just shrugged and left. The others followed. The cell door closed behind them and I was alone with Amy. She just laid there, chained, and asleep. I wasn't sure when she would wake up, but I will wait here until she does. After awhile Amy turned her body towards me and started to open her eyes. She blinked a few times and noticed that I was there staring at her.

"Morning, princess," I said in a soft voice.


Amy's pov


I felt myself waking back up. I opened my eyes to see Ben staring at me. He smiled when I woke up.

"Morning, princess," he uttered in a soothing voice. I faintly smiled back at him. I looked at my arms and noticed they were chained. Oh dear...,I thought. Then I looked around and took in my surroundings. I was in a blood-stained room filled with chains and hooks. Classic horror movie atmosphere. I turned back to Ben.

"Ben...where am I?" I asked.

He sighed and said, "You're in a...a..." It looked like he didn't want to say the word of the place we were in.

"A torture chamber?" I questioned. He nodded without meeting my eyes.

"Yeah...that's the word," he replied sadly. It pains me to see someone, defiantly him, upset.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I muttered with concern. He was close to me so I could poke him.

"I'm sorry, princess," he replied, "You shouldn't be here. But the others see you as a threat and want to get you out of the way. Why can't they understand that a girl like you shouldn't be chained and locked up here. I'm so sorry," He kept repeating I'm so sorry quietly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said quickly. I gave him a smile, "It's ok, Ben. Really it is. You don't need to be sorry. You can't just simply change one's thoughts. They might never change their minds about me and that's ok." He laughed slightly and smiled.

"What's so funny?" I asked confusingly.

"You're just...really amazing, princess," he explained, "never forget that." I smiled. No one has really called me amazing like that before. Not even my friends.

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