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Sally's pov
I was playing tea party with Slendy and Splendy when we heard someone enter the place we were in...which was one of the pretty gift shops. It was filled with adorable stuffed animals and toys! I looked towards the guy who walked in.

"H-Hi, sir," Toby twitched. It was Toby! I got out of my seat and gave him a hug.

"Hi Toby~" I said. He spun me around, which I like him doing.

"Hey S-Sally," he replied. Slendy got up from his chair.

"What are you doing here, Toby?" He asked. Toby twitched and let me down.
"It's a-about one of the people here," he uttered, "her name is A-Amy and I knew her awhile back. Y-You see, she's very nice and I feel like we should let her escape from this p-place." Slendy sighed.

"We can't just let a person go," he explained, "They have seen us and know about us. If she could keep the secret then maybe..." Toby twitched.

"B-But she can!" he exclaimed. I just realized something.
"What was her name again?" I asked.

"A-Amy," Toby answered while twitching. I knew it! That means she can help me with the new toy I got. I smiled.

"Ok, thank you," I said. I walked over to the chair where Charlie, my teddy bear, was sitting and grabbed him. "Slendy! Splendy!" I spoke in my cute voice, " Me and Charlie want to go for a walk."

"Ok!" Splendy exclaimed, "Have fun, cutie!" I left as soon as possible. Yay! Slendy didn't say anything. Sometimes he can be a meanie-head and say that I can't go to places alone. But I must find Amy. I want to know how this toy that I got from Jeff works. And if she doesn't help me then...we will play.
Amy's pov
I kept trying to find Slender and my friends...or just the key and my friends, but no luck. This was so hard. I sighed and leaned against a concession stand.
I heard a little girl giggle, "Wanna play with me?~" I looked all around to find where the voice was coming from.

Suddenly, I saw a little girl with a pink dress, brown curls, green eyes, and blood all over her smiling at me. She also had a teddy bear in her hands. Other than the blood, she looked so cute!

" are actually pretty cute!" I said as I felt some of the cuteness killing me. Again, metaphorically it was.

"Thank you," she said a small, cute voice. Soooo cute. I knew deep down she was probably a Creepypasta. Wait a minute...

"Do you know where I can find a guy named Slenderman?" The girl looked at me weird and nodded.

"Are you a fangirl?" she asked. I chuckled and shook my head.

"No, I just need to ask him some things," I answered. She nodded and grabbed my hand with her small hand.

"Then, come on!" she exclaimed, "let's go and afterwards we can play." I nodded. "Yay!" We walked together until we were at a gift shop.

"In here?" I asked. The girl nodded.
"Let's go! Let's go!" She repeated as she dragged me in. This girl was a bit We entered and I saw the unbelievable. It was Slenderman. He wore a black suit and tie. He didn't even have a face. No eyes, no mouth, no nose. Not anything!

Then there was another person too who looked kinda liked Slenderman, but not really. He wore a suit with poka-dots and had a top hat. He also had a red bow tie on. He also appeared to have a face with a smiling mouth and eyes.

Yes, I'm so glad I've found Slenderman, I thought. Suddenly, Slenderman turned his head towards me. Tentacles came out of his back and quickly grabbed my waist. I was then turned upside down and brought closer to him. I was face-to-well...face-to-no face with Slenderman.

"Hello child," he uttered in a mature sounding voice.
BOOM! POW! Chapter completed. I hope you guys liked it.

Amy finally sees Slenderman. Yay! I will try to write soon.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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