Finding Out

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Slenderman's pov
There was something not right. I could sense it. Something happened and now it's going to bother me. I groaned.

"What's wrong, Slendy?" Sally asked. I patted her head. It's ok if she calls me Slendy, but that's the only person who can.

"It's nothing, child," I uttered. I saw Masky and Hoodie walk in.

"Slender!" Masky yelled, "There's no cheesecake in this place!" I sighed.

"S-Slender," Hoodie stuttered, "W-What's wrong?" I needed to call everyone here. This feeling is bothering me. It's so unnerving.

"Masky, Hoodie. Please go get the others. I am calling a meeting," I commanded. They nodded in unison and left.

"Brother," Spendorman giggled, "Cheer up!"

"Sorry brother," I replied, "But I keep getting this feeling that something happened." It didn't take long for Masky and Hoodie to come back with everyone. Good job my proxies.

"We brought them, Slender," Masky said.

"Thank you Masky and Hoodie," I replied, "Now...I believe we need to discuss a few things."

"Like what?" L.J. giggled.

"Has there been any deaths yet?" I asked. Everyone looked around.

" least I don't think so," E.J. muttered. Toby was looking around nervously. He was even twitching more than usual.

"Toby!" I boomed. He jumped.

"Y-Yes, sir?" He asked while twitching.

"Is there something you need to tell us?" I questioned. Toby quickly shook his head no and twitched.

"Oh Toby," I said, "I know you're lying." He sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I h-had to tell her," He explained, "She deserved to know."

"What are you talking about?" I asked confusedly. Dr. Smiley crossed his arms and groaned.

"We told Amy and her friends where the key was," he explained. L.J. stared at them, shocked. This might actually be a good thing. This could be a way to settle this once and for all.

"You did...what?" he whispered in disbelief, "You told them that I HAVE THE KE-" I raised my hand.

"Now hold on here!" I uttered, "This might be a good thing." Everyone looked at me for an explanation. "We can set a trap."

"What do you mean, Slender?" Jeff asked.

"I mean, we can get L.J. to walk alone. The girls are probably looking for you anyway and they were together...right Toby?" I asked. Toby twitched and nodded.

" when they find you we surround them," I said.

" an ambush?" Ben uttered. I nodded.

"What are we going to do when we find them?" Dr. Smiley asked.

"We are going to kill them...that's what we are suppose to do," I explained. Most of them looked at each other and then back at me.

"A-All of them?" Ben questioned in a whisper like tone.

"Most likely...yes," I uttered. Then Amy came into mind. She was such a polite child. Very mature too. It would be a shame for her to die so quickly in her life. She might actually have a future. A good future.

"But...I'll think about it..." I mumbled, mostly to myself, but I'm pretty sure everyone could hear me.

"So...let's go now?" L.J. laughed. I nodded.

"Yeah...remember the plan everyone," I said. They all nodded and we left the gift shop. Once we were outside I realized something. It was going to be light soon. It felt like we were in this place for so much longer. Time is such a mysterious thing. I silently sighed.

This is it...once we find those will all be over...
There! All done...for now anyway.

I hope you guys liked it.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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