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Ben's pov
I looked at Amy who thought for a moment.

"I...need to get to my friends. Please let me find them," She pleaded. We all looked at each other.

"I know you really care about them, princess," I said. I looked at the others.
"We should let her go, guys." Amy smiled at me and I felt like I was blushing. Why do I always have to blush in front of her? L.J. let out a short laugh.

"Well...i'm not quite sure. We went through a lot of trouble to get her here so..." he replied. Amy nodded as she understood and looked down in defeat.

"Yeah...i'm sorry for asking. I didn't think of that. I'm so selfish." she said as she whispered the last part to herself. L.J. sighed and brought us all back to the amusement park with his black smoke.

"Listen gumdrop," Laughing Jack explained, "I would give you the key right now and just forgot about this WHOLE thing. You know, you would be able to leave with your friends. BUT! There could be others who are against that and would come to kill you all later. If you want to end this once and for all then...find Slenderman and talk to him. He is in here somewhere."

I knew what he was thinking. Amy nodded and listened carefully to everything he said.

"Ok, but why do I have to talk to him?" she asked.

"Because no one and I mean no one disobeys Slender," I uttered, "if you can get him to agree to let you and your friends go AND not let anyone of us bother you guys then you're home free, am I right L.J.?" He laughed and nodded.

"Yep, exactly," he replied.

"Ok, I see," Amy said, "I guess...I shall try to find him and my friends now. Um...bye and thanks for everything." She was starting to walk away.

"Wait, princess!" I exclaimed. She turned around. I almost forgot I have something that's hers.

"Something wrong?" Amy asked concerned. I handed Amy her flashlight.

"This is yours, princess," I replied, "Sorry I didn't give it to you sooner." Amy smiled and put the small flashlight in her pocket.

"Thank you so much, Ben," she muttered, "You're the best." I blushed...again. Dang it! I always blush in front of her.

"Thanks," I replied. She gave me short wave to say goodbye again. She walked off. I heard L.J. giggle.

"You guys look soooo adorable together," he said. I turned red and everyone laughed.

"S-Shut up!" I stuttered.

"I can't believe she has no family..." E.J. uttered. Dr. Smiley nodded.

"Yeah, I agree," he replied, "It's kinda sad that she doesn't have a family who can be proud of her, know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do," I said, "So...have you guys met her friends or talked to them at all?"

"Smile and I met the tall one," Jeff muttered while Smile barked, "Right when she saw us she froze in fear. What about you guy?"

"I did kinda meet the same one you're talking about and the girl with blonde hair in a ride. The tall one tried to attack me with these pilers, but I took them and the other one just ran for her life," L.J. explained.

"I met them all and they were to scared to even talk to me. What about you Ben?" Dr. Smiley asked.

"I met them all too...but the girl with the red-tips in her hair was wrapped in my cords. And the other two were shaking and crying." I said.

"Do you guys know there names?" Dr. Smiley asked.

"I only know that the girl with red-tips is named Nikki," I uttered, "But I think the tall one is named Bella because I think Amy heard her scream and said Bella quickly before running off." L.J. chuckled.

"Yeah, I remember that," he said.

"Guys...what do you think Slender will say to Amy?" Jeff questioned. We all looked at each other. Amy was a polite person and Slender likes those types of people. Hopefully she doesn't get killed on the spot. Oh I'm worried about her. But I have a feeling that she'll be ok. I sighed.

"Let's just...hope for the best," I uttered. At that, we nodded and exchanged our "see you laters." Then we parted ways.

I was alone again. I sat at picnic table and started to daydream about Amy. I kept thinking about her amazing singing voice. It sounded angel. AN ANGEL OF MUSIC!

It's also so fun to talk to her. We have a lot in common and on the things we don't, it doesn't matter. We don't get mad at each other for that.


It felt nice and warm in her arms. At that moment, it felt like I knew the answer to everything, but yet to nothing. When that happened I felt like I could do anything. I want to hug her again...

But most importantly, I just...couldn't get her out of my head. If she leaves this place, then I might never see her again. I DON'T WANT THAT?! I groaned and started to hum the song Singing In The Rain.
Chapter completed! I hope you guys liked it.

Thanks for reading and I will see you all next time!!!


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