Remember Me?

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Amy's pov
We walked away from the restrooms and looked for our other friends. After a bit of looking, Bella and I started to fear the worst.

"What if they're dead?" Bella asked. I shook me head furiously.

"No!" I exclaimed, "They can't be dead, they-" A scream cut me off. I jumped. Then I heard another scream.

"That's them!" Bella yelled. I didn't hesitate. I ran towards the screams and Bella followed. That's when I came face to face with five figures. Two of them were Nikki and Katy, which was good. Thank goodness they are still alive. Nikki and Katy were surrounded by three people.

"Oh god...Slender's proxies..." I heard Nikki whispered out. I don't think they noticed we were here.

"Who are you guys?" Katy asked in fright. One guy took a step forward.

"I'm Masky and over here is Hoodie," Masky pointed to a guy to his left, which his name was apparently Hoodie.

"H-Hi," he said quietly.

"And this is Toby or Ticci Toby," Masky uttered as he pointed to the person on his right. Wait, it couldn't be... I thought. I looked at Toby. He had a mouth guard and goggles on. He also had two hatches.

"Just Toby is fine," Toby muttered as he twitched. That's when I knew it was him. I never thought I would see him again. I stepped closer.

"Toby?" I asked. Everyone looked at me. "Toby, do you remember me? It's me...Amy..." Toby removed his goggles and mouth guard.

"A-Amy?!" he exclaimed, "of course I remember you!" He walked towards me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back. When he let go he twitched.

"What the heck is going on here?!" Masky exclaimed.

"I agree," Nikki said, "how do you know Ticci Toby, Amy?" I sighed.

"Firstly, it's just Toby, and second he was my best friend in elementary school before I moved schools in 5th grade," I explained. Toby twitched and nodded.

"Yeah! She would always sit by me at lunch and had my back when I was bullied. I-It's just so great to see you Amy," Toby replied.

"You too, man," I said smiling. Toby looked at my arm.

"Whoa! W-What happened?" He asked. I hid my arm behind my back.

"I got bit by a dog known as Smile dog," I answered.

"R-Really?" Toby said, "Smile only bits brats, n-not nice people like you." I smiled brightly at his comment. Oh gosh, I have really missed him.


Ticci Toby's pov
I can't believe it's her, Amy. The girl who showed me kindness when no one else did. My friend before I turned into a Creepypasta. I smiled back at her. I looked at the two girls we were about to kill.

"Are those your friends?" I asked pointing at the girls. Amy nodded.

"Yeah, and so is she," She answered while she nudged to the girl next to her. "But Toby...why are you here...and...why were you going to hurt my friends?" She sounded concerned. I twitched.

"Amy, ever since you left, things changed," I explained. Amy looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?..." She questioned.

"The bullying got w-worst," I answered while twitching, "And also things were happening at home, bad things. I would keep seeing this face-less man and I soon later learned his name was Slenderman. I was asked to b-be his proxy and I accepted. So, I became a Creepypasta and that's how I know Masky, Hoodie, Laughing Jack, and others. We were order to kill you guys, but I didn't know you were in here or that they were you're friends." Amy expression turned sad.

"I'm so sorry I left. I wanted to stay, but I couldn't. Because of went through all that bullying and pain by yourself. I would understand if you're mad at me..." She muttered. I smiled and gave her another hug. I twitched in her arms.

"I'm not mad," I said in her arms, "I could never be mad at a nice, gentle girl like y-you. I know you had to leave, but now to m-more important things. W-Why are you here?" She let go of me and sighed.

"It's all my fault," Amy explained, "There were these rumors about whoever went in this place, no one would come out. Of course I didn't believe in the rumors so I wanted to spend a night here and I dragged my other friends with me. Now we're trapped here and are destined to die unless we find the key out of here."

I twitched and said, "I would tell you where the k-key is, but I was ordered not to tell anyone of you where it is. I'm s-so sorry Amy, but I will do something else that might help,"

"And what's that?" She asked. I twitched.

"I'll I won't kill you or your friends, but the b-bad part is that if I see you again...I'll h-have to kill you," I spoke. Amy nodded.

"Ok, I understand Toby, but will Masky and Hoodie do the same thing?" she questioned.

"You seem like a girl Toby cares about so yeah, I guess I will," Masky said. Hoodie nodded.

"S-s-same," he uttered quietly. Amy smiled.

"Thanks, this means more to me than you think," She replied. I twitched.

"We h-have to go before anyone sees, bye A-Amy and good luck," I explained. Amy frowned, but nodded.

"Bye Toby and...It was great to see you again." I smiled.

"Y-You too," I replied. I put my mouthguard and goggles back on.

"L-Let's go g-guys," I spoke as I twitched. Masky and Hoddie nodded. And we left. We walked and saw Ben staring off into space.

"Hey Ben," Masky said. Ben snapped out of his thoughts.

"Hey..." he replied seeming out of it.

"W-What's wrong?" I asked him. He groaned

"It's just...this girl who we are suppose to kill. Her name is Amy and I think I like her...I might even care about her," Ben answered. I stared at him.

"L-Like love?" I questioned. He nodded. I twitched and told Ben how I've known Amy.

"Oh you have any advice?" He asked me.

"J-Just be yourself," I said, "Amy doesn't like people who are fake. She likes seeing the truth in people." Ben nodded.

"Thanks man," He replied as he walked off. So...Ben has a crush on Amy. He better not hurt her. She doesn't deserve to be hurt by anyone. She doesn't even deserve to die here. Maybe if I talk to L.J. or Slenderman, they might let her leave here. It's worth a shot...


BAM! Another chapter done and finished. I hoped you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

More is soon to come.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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