Arcade And LAZERS!

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Amy's pov
I finally managed to calm down in Ben's arms. I hugged him for a bit longer before letting go.

"Thanks Ben..." I said, "I really needed that." He rubbed my back.

"Anytime, Amy," he replied. Amy...I like it when he says my real name. I mean, I like my nickname, but I like him saying my real name too.

"I saw what happened," Ben spoke, "I saw what they said to you. You can't let that get to you though. You are a nice, awesome, smart chick and I wish I could of met you sooner. You shouldn't listen to what they said because none of it's true."

"But what if they're ri-"

Ben jumped up from the bench and said, "No! They are NOT right. Listen princess, Amy...It pains me to see you this way. You shouldn't have to deal with...that. Hey! I have an idea. Let's go to the arcade and play some games to take your mind off of what just happened." Ben held out his hand. I looked at him, but turned away.

"But my friends...what if they need me for something?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head.

"Right now...let's forget about that. Let's pretend that none of this is happening. Right now, I want to play arcade games with a cool girl." He leaned over and whispered, "That's you." I giggled.

"Ok," I uttered while taking his hand, "let's go."

"Yes, let's go!" Ben exclaimed.

"Wait, can we come?" I heard Laughing Jack ask. I turned to see Jeff, Smile, and L.J.

I slightly smiled and said, "Sure, let's go." L.J. looked at both me and Ben and laughed. I was confused.

"What's so funny?" Ben questioned. L.J. pointed towards the space in between us. I looked where that was and noticed that our hands were intertwined. I didn't even notice I was still holding his hand. I quickly let go of his hand.

"B-Ben!" I stuttered while blushing, "I-I'm so s-sorry. I didn't k-know I was holding your h-h-hand still." He blushed back and looked away.

"I didn't even notice...." Ben uttered. There was an awkward silence.

"Well...isn't this awkward..." Jeff said. I looked at him and everyone else.

"...Come on guys!" I exclaimed getting back on track, "Let's go to the arcade."

"Yeah," Ben uttered, "Let's go play some games." We walked to the arcade followed by Jeff, L.J., and Smile. We entered and the power, of course, was still working. Ben dragged me to Inner Fighter, the game that I beat him at.

"This game again?" I questioned. Ben grinned and nodded.

"I want a rematch," he replied, "I wasn't prepared for your...skills." I chuckled.

"Ok, I accept this challenge," I said. We both went up and press start on each of our sides. He was player 1 again and I was player 2. We even picked the same characters again. The battle was about to begin.

"You might of won last time, princess," Ben said, "But this time I WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" I laughed.

"In your dreams, Ben," I uttered.

"3...2...1...fight!" The game exclaimed. We started to fight. We were both focused on the game.

"I bet my favorite candy on Amy!" I heard L.J. giggle.

"I bet my favorite knife that Ben will win," Jeff replied.

"Is that a bet?" L.J. asked.

"Yep," Jeff smirked. I won the first round.

"Yes!" I exclaimed while smiling.

"I wasn't even trying that round," Ben explained.

"Suuuure you weren't," I said. We both laughed. The second round started and it took me a few minutes to beat him again.

"PLAYER 2 WINS!" The game exclaims. Ben stared at the screen with wide-eyes.

"WHAT?!" He screamed, "But how?!This is not fair! YOU CHEATED!" I laughed at his reaction.

"I didn't cheat," I uttered, "I'm just so awesome at this game that I beat you." L.J. laughed.

"Alright Jeff," he giggled, "give me the knife." Jeff groaned and gave L.J. his favorite knife.

"I think we should find a game that we all can play," I explained. They nodded as I looked around trying to find a game we all could play. the back...I found...A PLACE WHERE YOU COULD PLAY LAZER TAG! I smiled and jumped with glee.

"What did you find, princess?" Ben asked. I pointed to the lazer tag room. He grinned.

"Alright, but you're on my team!" He exclaimed. I smiled.

"Yes! We're the dream team," I giggled.

"Doesn't matter," Jeff muttered, "Me and Laughing Jack are defiantly gonna beat you." We walked in and put on the vests you would wear. Then we each had a "gun" that was attached to the vest. I looked at Smile and rubbed his head.

"You can watch us, if you want," I said. Smile barked and wagged his tail. Ben went and turned on all of our vests and started the timer.

"We have ten minutes," he explained. I nodded.

"Alright let's go!" I exclaimed.

"Wait! Hold on," Jeff uttered, "I want to make this game a bit more interesting."

"Ok," I replied, "What do you propose?"

"If we win, we get to ask you any question we want and you have to answer it truthfully," He explained.

"Ok," I said, "But if we win?" Jeff shrugged.

"Then we don't ask the question," He replied. I snickered.

"Ok....I guess we have a deal," I uttered.

"Ready?" Ben asked. We all nodded.

"One, two, three..." Ben was saying.

"GO!" I exclaimed while I tried to find some cover. I hid on the other side of a wall. I saw Jeff trying to shoot Ben. I shot Jeff no problem.

"Dang it!" He yelled. I laughed and saw L.J. was about to shoot me, but Ben came out of nowhere and shot him.

"Good job, Ben," I said. We gave each other a high-five.

"You too, Amy," he replied. Ben and I ran and found cover. We would always sneak up on Jeff or L.J. It was great. We played lazer tag until the time ended. Then we checked the scores. Ben and I won.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, "We won!" I gave Ben a short hug of happiness. He slightly blushed and I chuckled. I looked at L.J. and Jeff.

"Since I feel nice," I explained, "I will allow you to ask me one question that you wanted me to answer truthfully."

"Hey, thanks gumdrop," L.J. uttered. I nodded. Jeff and Laughing Jack whispered to each other.

"Ok!" Jeff exclaimed, "We got the question!"

"Ok, ask away," I told him. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. I wonder what the question is, I thought.

I like being evil :)

I hope you guys liked this chapter.

Thanks for reading and see you all next time!!!


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