Meeting BEN Drowned

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Amy's pov
We entered inside the building with shock. The games in the arcade were working. It was awesome, and the best part...You didn't need to pay! You could just play the game. My friends started to play games such as PAC-MAN, and one of those racing games where you were in a seat. I wanted to play too, but I need to focus.

"If I was a key, where would I be?" I said under my breath. I sighed and looked around. My friends were too busy playing the games to notice that I went behind the prize counter.

"No key here..." I mumbled. I looked around the arcade games, still no key. It must not be here. I turned around and found a door. I tried to open it, but it was locked from the inside.

"Maybe there's a window out there..." I thought out loud. I turned around, they still were playing video games. I rolled my eyes.

"We need to go," I told them. Nikki sighed.

"Come on," she said, "one more game." I shook my head.

"Sorry guys," I replied, "but the sooner we find that key, the better." Bella frowned.

"Come on, ONE MORE GAME!" she exclaimed, "Besides, it's fair if you get to play a game too!" I stared at her. It's true that I haven't played a game yet. It's weird because I'm the one who likes to play video games the most. Bella gave me her sad puppy eyes.

"Ok," I groaned, "ONE more game." They all smiled and cheer while I went to PAC-MAN. I started the game and played. I was actually pretty good at video games. Sometimes, I'm surprised on how good I am. After at least ten minutes my friends each got a game over on there screens and went to mine.

"Should we go-" Nikki was trying to say before I interrupted her.

"SH!" I uttered, "In the zone..." I was doing fairly good. I kept going to level to level until the stupid red ghost got me and took my last life. I pouted.

"Dang it," I whispered. That's when I noticed that I could put my name in the top ten. I smiled. I didn't put my real name though because...well you don't know who could see this. So instead I put SKY.

"Why sky?" Katy asked. I winked at her.

"Because I love looking at the sky," I answered. I was the second person on the list. The person above me was called BEN. He must have used his real name. But the strange thing was that a text box appeared after the top ten list.

You've been met with a terrible fate haven't you...

I didn't know how to respond so I looked at my friends. Nikki grabbed my arm.

"Creepypasta ALERT!" She screamed. Right when I was about to run, cords and wires came out of the game and grabbed my leg. Nikki quickly tried to pull me back, but the cords were too strong. I was being dragged to the room that was locked. I know that most of us would be screaming or panicking, but I wasn't. I tried to stay calm, and break myself free.

My friends, of course, were the opposite. They were screaming their heads off, and trying to open the door, which was locked for some weird reason. Still being dragged; I grabbed onto the game prize counter, and tried to stand up. My friends were having trouble too. The cords and wires were attacking them as well, but the strange part was that they were attacking me the most.

I kept my grip strong on the counter. The cords then begin to wrap around my waist, trying to pull me off the counter, but to no avail. I was winning. The cords were so tight around me, that my insides felt tight. That's when I heard a giant, fearful scream. In fact, right when the scream happened the wires let go of me and went into the room that was locked. That's when I realized that the scream was Nikki.

I ran to the door followed by Bella and Katy. Right when we entered we saw something horrifying. Nikki was tangled by wires and cords, but that's not all. There's also a tank of water that she was about to be dunked in. Then I saw a blonde guy who looked like Link from Legend of Zelda who seemed to be controlling the cords. That's when I realized what he was going to do to Nikki. He was going to DROWN her.

"Let Nikki go," I commanded in a calm tone. The guy turned to face me and my friends. That's when I saw his eyes. There were black and red. He looked like a demon. My friends were freaking out when they saw his eyes, but I just stood there. Unmoving. He smiled a devious grin at my two friends.

"What's wrong," he said, "do I have something on my face." He laughed while me friends were shaking.

"Don't worry, I'll kill you next and make you feel a LOT better..." he chuckled. Bella started to cry.

"Sorry, but your tears won't help," he smirked. Bella kept crying, while Katy was still shaking.

That's when I started to get mad. My friends scare easily, they really do, and this guy is making fun of them. I don't care if this guy can kill me. He needs to learn a lesson. I curled my hands into fist.

"Hey!" I exclaimed in anger, "Leave my friends alone! They did nothing to you, they are just SCARED!" He looked at me in shock for a second. I guess I caught him off guard. He smiled that devious grin again and walked towards me. He pinned me to the wall.

"What happens if I don't?" He questioned. He had his hands on my shoulders and I was looking straight in his eyes. I couldn't really think of anything. For starters, he could kill me in a second if I tried anything and two, he could try to drown Nikki or kill my other friends if I tried something. I looked down to the floor. He looked at me with a satisfied looked.

"That's what I thought..." he trailed off as he let go of my shoulders. He turned to Nikki and began to drop her in the water. It all went fast. She was all ready all the way into the water. She kept struggling and turning to break free, but she couldn't.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, "Let's make a wager." The blonde guy looked at me and raised Nikki out of the water.

"You mean like a bet?" he asked. I nodded. "Ok, go on..." he muttered.

"Let's play a game in the arcade. Me and you. And if I win you let Nikki go and can't kill us."

"But what if I win?" he asked in a smile. I sighed and stared at the ground.

"...You kill me instead..." I answered. He smiled an evil grin.

"Deal!" He exclaimed as he shook my hand. He was cold, but at the same time his skin felt nice. "What's your name?" He asked. I looked at him dead in the eye.

"Amy," I replied. He grinned and bowed.

"BEN Drowned, but you may call me BEN," He said. I shifted my feet for a second. BEN was the name on the PAC-MAN top ten list, and he was number one! I stared at him with a calm expression. What have I just done?


That's all she wrote! Another chapter done. Hope you liked it and I will try to update soon.

Bye and see you guys soon!!!


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