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Laughing Jack's pov
I haven't seen Amy since she ran to the scream of her friend. I finished eating the candy I took from her and now I am bored. Hopefully I will get to kill and stuff candy into one of those girls soon. None of them are real threats except for Amy. We need to get rid of her first because when she's gone, then all the others will fall one by one. I saw Jeff and he walked towards me. I smiled.

"Killed anyone yet?" I asked giggling. Jeff growled.

"No," he said. Suddenly Smile came barking and running towards us.

"Hey Smile," Jeff uttered as he scratched behind Smile's ear. I laughed.

"Jeff...we need to get Amy out of the-"

I was interrupted by Ben who walked towards us saying, "S'up guys."

"Hey Ben," Jeff replied.

"Like I was saying, we need to get Amy-" Then someone else interrupted me.

"Who's Amy?" A guy with a blue mask and black ooze coming out of his eyes holes asked. I sighed.

"Hi E.J. and Amy is one of the girls who is stuck in here. Now, like I was saying we need to get her-"

"Why are you talking about her?" Jeff rudely interrupted. I kept getting frustrated.

"CAN I TALK FOR TWO SECONDS WITHOUT GETTING INTERRUPTED?!" Everyone turned silent and stared at me. I laughed.

"Now that's more like it," I explained, "Ok, what I have been trying to say is that we need to get Amy out of the way."

"But why?" Eyeless Jack asked.

"It's because she's a threat. Amy has been causing us to not kill the other girls aka her friends. She also doesn't seem afraid of us." E.J. nodded. Jeff silently laughed.

"I have an idea...a FUN idea." Jeff explained. I giggled.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"We kidnap her and cause her pain. Then she should be afraid of us. And then...we kill her." Jeff answered. I laughed.

"Not bad Jeff...I like it," I replied. Ben looked around nervously.

"I don't know about that idea. Can't we just kidnap her and that's it?" I know he won't admit it, but I think Ben really cares about Amy. I groaned.

"We'll work out the details later," I spoke.

"Ok what's the plan?" E.J. asked.

"You want to help?" Jeff said. E.J. nodded.

"Ok, the plan is..." We talked awhile about the plan I have came up with and changed it a few times. Eventually, we thought of the perfect plan.

"Ok, so that's the plan, everyone got it?" I smirked.

"Yeah, yeah...we got it, so let's go!" Jeff muttered impatiently. We walked around and tried to look for Amy. It shouldn't be that hard. I noticed that Ben was getting more and more nervous when we couldn't find her.

"Maybe she's already dead," E.J. suggested. Ben got furious and shook his head.

"N-NO!" He exclaimed, "She's not dead...she can't be dead..." the last part was whispered out. I giggled.

"Ben...I need to talk to you...alone," I said. Ben stared up at me and nodded slowly. We walked to a bench and sat down.

"Benny," I said, "Do about Amy? And don't you lie to me."


Ben Drowned's pov
I was silent. Should I tell him? I already told Masky, Hoodie, and Toby. I sighed.

"So, what if I do?" I uttered, "it doesn't matter if I do or not." L.J. actually turned serious for once.

"Actually kinda does," he explained, "you're a creepypasta and she is a human. We KILL humans. We drive them towards insanity. That's what we do. You can't just stop all that and care for a human girl."

"B-But-" Laughing Jack interrupted.

"But nothing!" he exclaimed, "All humans are the same anyway. They abandon you...they might act like they care about you, but then they leave you. And that's what's Amy will do. Just like any other human..." He was not doing what I think he was doing.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed angrily, "You are NOT comparing Amy, a girl who is more beautiful than Zelda herself to your old playmate Isaac." L.J. was taken aback by my words. He then grinned.

"Wait a don't just care about have a crush on her." He started to laugh while my face turned red.

"T-That's not-" he laughed even louder.

"You just said she was beautiful! That's a major way to tell someone has a crush right there!" I sighed.

"Ok...I do have a crush on her...but not just that," I explained, "I get this feeling that when I'm around her, everything is ok. She's gentle and nice. She didn't scream when she saw me or ran off when she saw me again. She cares more about other people than herself. Amy is beautiful on the outside AND the inside. Her eyes are a shiny hazel which can make even the stars jealous. But most of all...I think I love her. I think I love Amy..."

L.J. turned silent. He stared wide-eyed and didn't laugh at all.

"It's about time you admitted it," I heard Jeff say. I turned around and say the others. My face turned red.

"W-Were you listening this whole time?" I asked. They nodded.

"I knew you liked was so obvious," Jeff muttered, "we still are gonna kidnap her, but...I MIGHT not kill her or harm her." I was upset that they were still going to kidnap her and I didn't like how Jeff said might. I sighed knowing that I can't change their minds.

"Ok..." I said in defeat. L.J. laughed.

"Don't worry Benny, it will be fine in the end!" He uttered.

"Let's just go..." I stated. They nodded and we left. We walked for awhile more until I saw Amy's familiar figure and smiled. She was ok, but she wasn't alone. Dr. Smiley was with her. Now why was he walking with her? I questioned in my mind.

"Ben, go and to her," E.J. said. I smiled softly and walked towards them.



I hope you are still liking this story.

Thank you for reading and see you all next time!

I also edited this chapter a bit so...yeah!


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