The Final Wager

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Amy's pov
"Well..." I was saying, "If I can guess where the key is correctly, then you guys have to let me and my friends go. You also can't follow us and kill us later."

"But what if you guess incorrectly?" Slender asked. This is the part of the wager that kinda scares me.

"You guys...get to kill me..." I uttered in an eerie-like tone, "But once you kill me, you let my friends go and you can't kill them later."

"'s find the key or your life?" E.J. questioned. I nodded.

"Yep," I answered, "I won't run or try anything stupid. I will accept my fate...if I lose the bet anyway."

"No!" Sally squeaked, "You can't make a bet like that!" Tears started to flood her eyes. Oh man...Sally...

I walked up to Sally and crouched down so we were eye level.

"Hey don't worry," I said, "I haven't even lost yet." She nodded and clutched her teddy bear. I got back up.

" we have a deal?" I asked the Creepypastas before me. L.J. walked up to me.

"Are you sure?" he said looking down on me, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nodded eagerly.

"Yes," I uttered while sticking out my hand to shake, "Now I will ask again. Do we have a deal?" L.J. was hesitant, but he shook my hand.

"A-Amy!" Toby exclaimed, "What are you doing?! This isn't a g-good idea!" He kept twitching. I gave him a sad look. I walked up to him.

"Toby..." I uttered. I didn't know what to say. I just kept staring at his face. His goggles were on his head and his mouth guard was down around his neck.

"I would know me the best out of everyone. You did always say I was right so...why should you be scared?" I stated. Toby gave me a weak smile.

"Y-You're right," he replied. I turned towards Ben.

"...Good luck, princess," he uttered at me. It sounded like it was hurting for him to say that. Did he think I was going to die too? I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks Ben," I said, "Now...let the wager begin!"

"So...where do you think the key is?" Masky asked. I had to think this throughly to stay alive. Remember...Toby wouldn't lie to you so maybe...yes! It could be THAT!

"I have a hunch!" I exclaimed, "Now...I do believe that L.J. DID have the key. BUT he doesn't have it now. You see, Toby and Dr. Smiley were the ones who told me and my friends where the key was originally, but something happened. You guys found out that they told us. So, you set up this little trap to you know...trap us. But the key! L.J. didn't just hide it in a place like a ticket booth, NO! He..gave it to someone else. So...the real question isn't where the key is. The real question is WHO has the key!"

I looked at everyone. Who does have the key? Who could it be? No one was saying I was wrong about my hunch...but then again. No one was saying I was right. I sighed in thought.

"Hm..." I uttered, "L.J. must of gave the key to someone he can trust. But who? It has to be someone Laughing Jack hung out with in here. I know it's not Toby or Dr. Smiley because they are the ones who told us where the key was in the first place. It can't Ben because of the bet we had earlier so he can't kill anyone of us. So that leaves Smile, E.J., or Jeff because the rest of you didn't really hang out with L.J." I was thinking even more now. This was getting more difficult.

"It would be hard for Smile to hide a key so...he's out. Sorry buddy," I explained. Smile yelped. I looked at E.J., then at Jeff. Who has it? It's a 50/50 chance because no one was saying I was wrong so far. But what if I have been wrong this whole time. My mind kept switching thoughts one after another. I suddenly heard a loud wince.

It came from Slender. Was he trying to read my mind again?

"No child," he uttered, "You just keep thinking rapidly and too much." He kept rubbing his head.

"Sorry," I said. I tried to calm down my thoughts and I guessed it worked. Now...back to the situation at hand. E.J. or Jeff? Eyeless Jack uses a scalpel and Jeff uses a knife. Jeff seems more violent then E.J. but...Jeff did hug me. Could that change anything? Katy groaned.

"Amy...hurry up!" She said snapping me out of thought, "We don't have all night!"

"Sorry!" I said quickly.

"Hey Katy or whatever your name is!" Ben yelled, "You try to be in Amy's position!" Katy looked at shock.

"Ben...not now..." I uttered trying to focus.

"Sorry," He replied. Katy smirked. I sighed and went back to thinking. I think I know who it is. I really do. I feel really good about this answer.

"I believe I have come to a decision!" I exclaimed, "The person who has the key is no other than...JEFF THE KILLER!" I pointed at him. words from anyone. Jeff walked up to me. He went into his pocket and pulled out something shiny. At first, I thought it was his knife, but it wasn't.

It was a key! He grabbed my hand and handed me the key. I closed my hand and he let go of my wrist.

"Not bad...not bad at all," Jeff told me, "Good job, Amy." I know it was hard to tell, but if he didn't have the craved smile on his face, I bet he would be smiling right now. I grinned.

"Thank you," I said. At last...I found the key. I did it. I won the wager. That means me and my friends won the game.
And there we go! Chapter done.

I hope you liked it.

Bye as see you all next time!!!


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