Learning The Truth...

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Amy's pov
Those words go to sleep rang in my head. I knew that was his "catchphrase" or whatever it's called. When you hear those words come out of his mouth, then you know you are going to die. So...yep...i'm going to die. But if I am going to be murdered by Jeff The Killer himself, then I have to say at least this one last thing...

I gulped and whined, "But...i'm not tired...I just slept not too long ago thanks to Laughing Jack." I tried to sound like a whinny kid. If I'm dying like this, then better make it at least a little less depressing. L.J. heard what I said and cried out laughing. Again...didn't think it was that funny.

But, he was laughing so hard that Dr. Smiley got out of his grasp and pulled Jeff off of me. I rubbed my neck.

"If you EVER do that to Ms. Amy again, I will make you pay," Dr. Smiley spat. Jeff stared at me and shook his head.

"Whatever..." he mumbled. Then there was an eerie silence and it was making me feel uncomfortable.

"Come on guys," I said breaking the silence, "let's lighten up the mood." L.J. giggled.

"I agree with Amy," he said, "let's have some FUN." I didn't like how he said fun, but I ignored it.

"Let's play Truth or Dare," I suggested. Everyone agreed to play...except Jeff who just groaned and sat in a corner.

"Who's going first?" Eyeless Jack asked.

"I guess you can," Dr. Smiley answered. He nodded.

"Amy, truth or dare?" I thought for a moment.

"Truth," I replied.

"Can I have your kidneys?..." he asked. Ben slapped E.J.'s arm. "Ow, what did I say?"

"Don't ask her THAT!" Ben yelled.

"Ben, it's fine," I uttered, "and sorry E.J., you can't have my kidneys."

"See," Eyeless Jack spoke, "At least she was nice about it."

"Um...Laughing Jack, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," he smirked. I thought for a moment.

"Kiss E.J." I uttered with a mischievous smile, "Jack kisses Jack. Also, it has to be on the lips." Ben cracked up laughing and gave me a high-five.

"Yes! Do it, Do it!" Ben exclaimed. L.J. was at a lost of words. He groaned.

"Not bad, Gumdrop...not bad," he uttered. He then turned towards Eyeless Jack. E.J. huffed a sigh as he lifted his mask so his lips were showing. They leaned towards each other and...kissed...on the lips. Ben and I started to laugh so very hard. We were both crying of laughter. Dr. Smiley chuckled and Smile yelped in excitement.

We kept going around and I did a few dares like "do a handstand," which Ben had to help me with and I answered a few truths like what type of music I like to listen to.

"Ms. Amy, truth or dare?" Dr. Smiley asked. I grinned.

"Dare," I replied.

"I dare you to sing a song of your choice," he uttered. My grin faded. I haven't sang in front of people for awhile, but...it's a dare. I sighed.

"Prepare to have your ears bleeding," I said. I thought for a song to sing. It was hard to think of one.

"Hurry up, Gumdrop!" I heard L.J. exclaimed.

"Sorry, just trying to think of a song," I replied. I thought for a bit longer until I thought of a good song to sing.

"Ok...the song is called Singing In The Rain. And I'm only singing a little bit of it...ok?" They nodded and I took a deep breath.

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