The Kidnap Attempt (Part 2)

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Amy's pov
I can't believe L.J. just did that. He just disappeared in a black smoke and took Dr. Smiley with him. Now I was alone...again.

"Oh no..." I whispered out. Jeff snickered. Suddenly Laughing Jack reappeared besides Jeff.

"Well Amy...we can do this the easy way or the hard way," L.J. said.

" about the not kidnapping me way," I suggested with a nervous smile. L.J. started to laugh at my comment. I didn't think it was that funny.

"That's not a choice," Jeff uttered annoyed. I nervously laughed and started to back up.

"You'll..." My mind started to turn dumb and I yelled out, "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE, COPPERS!" I ran hoping that my dumb side caught them off guard. Sometimes when I get nervous or scared, my dumb side takes advantage of me and I do or say stupid things like that.

I continued to run until I hide into the ride Cave of Mystery. Since the power was on, the crystals were lit up on the inside, but I managed to find a place in the ride that's submerged in darkness. I hid behind a "big rock." I panted quietly while thinking of what to do. If I could lose them, then maybe I could look for my friends. I heard footsteps of multiple people. I stopped breathing and stood still. They started to talk and I recognized their voices.

"Where could she be?" Eyeless Jack asked. I heard Jeff growl.


Jeff must of threw his knife because I heard a clang of metal to the ground close to me. I tried to look for the knife quickly as I heard heavy footsteps getting closer to where I was. I finally saw the knife in the darkness. I was about to grab it when I saw someone grab the knife before me. I heard the man laugh darkly.

"Well...what do we have here?" Jeff smirked. I slowly moved my head and came face to face with Jeff The Killer. He grabbed me by my shirt collar and pulled me up. He pointed his knife at my neck.

"I finally caught you, Amy," he said, "now we can stop this goose-chase." Suddenly, I kneed him in the balls, hard. Jeff let out a painful cry and dropped me to the ground. I quickly got up and ran as fast as I could. I didn't mean I hurt him, but I felt threaten.

I finally manage to get out of the ride, thank goodness. I ran a bit more until I found a bench where I could sit for a second and catch my breath. I sat down and panted for at least a minute. Then I took deep breaths. In....and out. I felt a bit better after that.

"Is the key over there?" I heard a familiar voice asked. I knew that voice anywhere. It was Katy's.

"No, it's not here," Bella answered.

"Dang it! If Amy was here, I bet we would find the key by now," Nikki explained. I followed the voices and found them behind a food cart. I smiled.

"Guys!" I exclaimed happily. They turned around and faced me. Bella stared wide-eyed at me.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, "A ghost!" Nikki smiled.

"That's not a ghost," Nikki said, "it's Amy!" She hugged me.

"I thought you were dead," Bella uttered surprised. I shook my head.

"Naw," I replied, "I'm ok. Did you guys find the key yet?"

"No..we haven't and your absents hasn't been much help, Amy," Katy rudely answered.

"How did you escape from Dr. Smiley anyway?" Nikki asked.

"I didn't escape exactly," I explained, "Dr. Smiley patched up my wound and was helping me look for you guys, but...somethings happened..."

"That's odd that Dr. Smiley did's not like him," Nikki said. Katy grinned.

"I swear, Dr. Smiley must get all the ladies with those looks of his. I mean he's hot. I would date him any day," Katy spoke. Nikki cringed.

"He's like...twenty-five to thirty years old. That's kinda too old for you and two he's a Creepypasta." Nikki muttered. Katy crossed her arms.

"I don't care," she replied. Bella sighed.

"You said something happened, right Amy?" Bella questioned. I nodded.

"Oh yeah...well...a couple of the Creepypastas tried to kidnap me..." I answered. Nikki stared at me in disbelief.

"And you got away from them?!" she exclaimed. I shrugged.

"For now...." Katy looked mad.

"And you came to us?!" She yelled, "You know that we all could die if they are following you right?!" Dang it! I'm so selfish. I didn't mean to put them in danger.

"Sorry, you're right," I said, "I'm so sorry."

"Why are they trying to kidnap you anyway?" Bella asked.

"They said I was a threat to them, which makes no sense to me," I replied.

"Who are the Creepypastas who want to kidnap you?" Nikki questioned.

"Um, Jeff The Killer, Laughing Jack, Smile, Ben, and Eyeless Jack."I answered. Nikki nodded.

"I still can't believe you escaped them," Nikki uttered.

I faintly smiled and muttered, "I still can't believe myse-" Out of nowhere, black smoke appeared. It was obviously Laughing Jack. Nikki took noticed.

"Guys, run!" she screamed quickly. I was already about to run when I felt arms wrap around me. Then more smoke surrounded me and the person who grabbed me. We reappeared in front of Ben, Jeff, E.J., and Smile. That had to mean that L.J. grabbed me. I twisted and squirm and tried to get out of his grasp. Laughing Jack giggled.

"Ha, trying to get away, Gumdrop?" he smirked. I felt a hand go over my mouth and something sweet was forced into my mouth. It tasted like butterscotch. I felt sleepy. No, not this again, I thought. My eyes closed and the darkness took over me.


OH NO! Amy got kidnapped!! Will she be alright? Find out next time folks!

Lol sorry, but I wanted to type that.

Thanks for reading and see you all next time!!!

Also a little bit edited!


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