Getting To Know You Better

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Amy's pov
Dr. Smiley and I walked around. We haven't found my friends yet and it was starting to get me nervous. Dr. Smiley took notice.

"Don't worry, Ms. Amy," he said, "we'll find them." I gave him a small smile and nodded.

We continued to walk until I heard a guy exclaimed, "Hey princess!" I turned around and a big smile appeared on my face.

"Hey Ben," I greeted. Dr. Smiley looked at Ben, then at me.

"So, you guys already know each other?" he asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Yep!" I exclaimed, "he's a pretty cool guy." I thought I saw Ben blush a little, but it might of been just me.

"Listen princess," he said trying to stay focused, "I want to talk to you."

"Ok, about what?" I asked. He looked at Dr. Smiley.

"Alone," I looked at Dr. Smiley.

"Can I please talk to him for a bit, it won't be long," I uttered.

"I don't know if-" I gave him a pleading look and he groaned, "ok...but if ANYTHING happens then come and find me ok?" I nodded and walked with Ben to a picnic table that was by a food stand.

"So, whatcha wanna talk about, Ben?" I asked. He shrugged and took notice of my bandaged arm.

"I see you got your arm fixed," he said. I nodded.

"Yeah," I replied, "Dr. Smiley fixed it all up for me." Ben gave me a confusing look.

"He did?" he questioned.

"Yep," I answered, "he's also helping me find my friends." Ben nodded.

"That's cool...say, what's your favorite video game?" he asked. I thought for a moment.

"Hm, that's a tough one..there are so many good games out there. Oh, I don't know I can't pick!" I explained, "What about you?"

"Other than Legend of Zelda, I can't really pick either," he uttered.

"Ok...favorite color and...go!" I yelled. He laughed.

"Green...I love the color green," he smirked, "what's your favorite color?"

"Ok, don't hate me, but I love the color pink," I said while giggling. He laughed.

"How dare you not say GREEN!!!" Ben yelled jokingly. I then had a giggle fit. He did too. After we calmed down he smiled.

"You have a cute laugh, princess," he said. My face turned really red.

"I-uh..." it got really quiet. I stared at the table in shyness. What was this feeling? Why can't I say anything? Ben broke the silence.

"Favorite food?" he asked. I blinked quickly and stared right back at him.

"Probably pizza," I answered. He smiled.

"Me too! High-five!" Ben exclaimed. I gave him a high-five, "your turn." I thought for awhile.

"Um..this might be a weird question, but what would you call the perfect...kiss?" I asked whispering the last word. He was silent and stared at me. I MESSED IT UP! WHY DID I ASKED THAT?! WHY?!


Ben Drowned's pov
I didn't know how to answer this question. Is there a way she wants me to answer?

"Um, you don't have to answer that question!" she exclaimed quickly, "Dang it! I know I should of not asked that question. I'm sorry!" She looked so concerned. I gave her a sad look.

"No, it's ok," I said, "I just...don't know how to answer that question in the right way." Amy smiled.

"There is no "right way" to answer the question. Different people can answer the question in different ways...I just wanted to know how you would answer it," she explained. I grinned.

"How would you answer the question?" I asked.

She was silent for a moment but then uttered, "Well...there isn't really

such thing as a "perfect" kiss because perfect doesn't really exist to me, but I think the "perfect" kiss would be when you feel a spark. This kiss causes you to realize that you LOVE this person and you want to be with them...forever. It makes you want to protect the person and care for them. Also, time goes by slow and after the kiss, you would always rewind that moment in your mind to make sure that really happened...but that's what I think." I stared at her in awe.

"Have you had a kiss like that before?" I questioned. She laughed and shook her head.

"No," Amy said, "that's what's so funny to me. I'm talking about the perfect kiss when I haven't even been kissed before at all." I stared at her in shock.

"Really?" I muttered, "Since you talked about all that, I would think you had."

"Well no," Amy spoke, "I just watch a lot of romantic comedies." She laughed at her own comment.

Why do you have to be so perfect? I thought, You are so beautiful and I wish I could kiss you right now, Amy. I don't ever want to see anyone hurt you because you don't deserve that pain. Why can't I just tell you my feelings? Why is it so hard to even talk to you? I love to see you smile, laugh, and talk. I don't want you to go away...

Amy kept waving her hand in front of my face, "Hey Ben, are you ok?" she asked worried, "you just seemed distant for a second." I smiled.

"I'm fine. Thanks princess." I said. She smiled back and nodded.

"I better get back to finding my friends," she muttered, "I would like to stay and talk to you more, but I really need to find them." My expression turned sad for a second, but I quickly changed it back to normal.

"Bye princess," I said.

"Bye Ben," she replied. Amy got up and was about to leave until we heard a familiar laugh. We turned around to see L.J., Jeff, Smile, and E.J.

"Oh hi Amy!" L.J. giggled. I frowned because I know what was about to happen...


CLIFFHANGER!!! (I swear I am the master at these XD)

Thank you guys for reading and I will try to update as soon as I can, ok?

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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