Who Will Win?

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BEN's pov
I saw that right when I introduced myself Amy kinda flinched for a second.

"Shall we go?" she asked. I grinned and nodded.

"Yes," I replied, "let's go." The thing with this Amy girl is that she doesn't seem afraid. She didn't scream when the wires came out or when she saw my appearance. I don't understand why this girl isn't just freaking out. It's like she actually knows how to play this game that LJ made...which I know she doesn't.

"What game?" Amy asked. I snapped back to reality. I shrugged.

"You pick. I know that any game you pick here, I can beat you in," I smirked. At that point, I expected her to say something like "That's not true" or "what have I done" but she didn't say anything. She just looked around the arcade.

"We don't have all day," I groaned. Amy turned around to face me and smiled shyly.

"Oh, sorry," she said. She looked for a bit longer and smiled.

"How about...Inner Fighter?" she muttered while pointing to the two-player fighting type game. I grinned. I was really good at this game.

"Sure. Let's get started," I replied. We walked over to the game. We both clicked start. I was player one. Amy was player two. We picked our characters. I was a ninja with a sword dressed in black. Amy was a girl with pink and purple hair. The character was also good with fighting hand to hand combat. Her weapon was a whip.

"3....2.....1......FIGHT!" the game said. I got the first hit and knocked Amy's character right off her feet. I kept attacking. Amy managed to get a few hits, but I won the first round. It didn't take long either. I looked at Amy.

"So, by the way things are looking, I believe I will enjoy killing you." I smirked. She stared at the screen. She didn't have a look of fear in her eyes or anything like that.

Then I heard her whisper, "It's not over yet." We started round two and something happened that shocked me. Amy got the first hit. She kept doing combos that kept my character down. Amy won that round. I looked at her. She had a small smile on her face.

"Don't smile yet, princess," I sneered, "we have one more round. Winner takes all." She gave me a weird look.

"Princess?" she questioned. I grinned.

"Yeah, got a problem with it, princess?" I smirked. Amy shrugged.

"Well, it's just that you struck me off guard with that nickname for a second," she replied while looking back at the screen. Round three started. It took awhile for anyone of us to get a first hit. But when the first hit happened, it was from me. Then Amy did a combo that took a quarter of my HP. I did two combos in one that took half of her HP.

Finally, it got to a point where both of our health bars where only one hit away from being cleared. That's when it happened. Something that I never expected. She won. She got the last hit.

"Player 2 WINS!" the game exclaimed. Amy sighed. How did she WIN?! I was suppose to win, ME! Not her...

"Hey, good game Ben," Amy spoke as she had her hand out. I gave her an evil glare, but she didn't take her hand away. I shook it. Her hand was warm...and soft. I looked at her eyes. They were...quite pretty. Her eyes were mixed with green and brown. We just stared at each other. Hand still in other hand.

She was beautiful...Ben, what are you saying. She's a human for one and two you shouldn't care about her...you want to KILL her.

"Um B-Ben," Amy stuttered, "can you please let my friend go?" I let go of her hand quickly.

"Y-Yeah, sorry," I stuttered back. I walked to the other room quickly and Amy followed. Her two other friends were in the corner.

"W-Who won?" The tall one sniffled.

"I did, Bella..." Amy replied awkwardly. They smiled, cheered, and hugged Amy. I let the girl with black hair, I heard her name was Nikki, out of my wires and onto the floor. She wobbled a bit before she ran to hug Amy. Amy stared at me.

"Remember," she explained, "you can't kill me or my friends, ok?"

"Sure thing, princess," I replied.

Her friends quickly ran out while she looked at me and asked, "Do you happen to know where a key is?" I laughed.

"Do you REALLY think I would tell you?" Amy shrugged.

"True...gotta go, bye Ben," she uttered. Then she was gone and I was left alone. LJ was going to be so mad. I walked out the back way.

"Why didn't you kill them?," I heard a guy asked. I turned around to see LJ, Jeff, and Smile.

"Because I made a bet with one of them and she won, LJ," I answered.

"Which one?" He uttered. I crossed my arms.

"She told me her name was Amy," I replied. LJ laughed.

"Oh...I know which one that is!" he exclaimed while laughing.

"Who is it?" Jeff asked annoyed with Laughing Jack's laughter. He stopped laughing and leaned back against the arcade building.

"It was that girl who remained calm," he explained, "the one you wanted to see cry and shake."

"Oh yeah!" Jeff exclaimed, "I remember that brat!" I sighed.

"Guys, the bet was that if I beat her in a video game, I could kill her instead of her friend. But if she won I would let her friend go and wouldn't be allowed to kill Amy or her friends." I explained.

They nodded.

"I will kill them for you," Jeff replied. I grinned.

"Alright, but I need to warn you guys something," I said.

"And what's that?" Jeff asked harshly.

"Amy is stronger than you think. She wasn't afraid of me. She didn't scream and try to run like the others," I answered. LJ laughed.

"I think we can change that!" He smirked. They started to leave and I was alone again. I sighed.

Why wasn't she afraid? Aren't I scary to her? She never did break in the arcade. Even when she said goodbye it was as if this wasn't happening. I want to learn more about her. It's not because I like her because I DON'T! I just want to learn about her because she seems...interesting.

I started to walk around and look for Amy and her friends.


Another chapter completed! Hope you guys liked it and want more.

Bye guys and see you next time!!!


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