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Ticci Toby's pov
Hoodie and Masky, mostly Masky, wanted to see if there was cheesecake in this place. I told them that they could go. I wasn't really that interested in cheesecake. I'm more of a pancakes and waffles type of guy. I sat on the ground and look at the stars.

I remember back when I used to hang out with Amy. We would go to the park and look at the stars. Those were the great days. But then one day, she had to move foster homes because of a few "fights" that happened.

No, she didn't fight in the battles because Amy wasn't the girl to get into fights. She was a girl to keep peace with others. A peacekeeper if you will. But, the other kids at the foster home still picked fights with her, even though she didn't fight back. Sometimes I would see her with bruises. I still remember the night Amy told me she was leaving.

It was a nice, chilly November night. The sky was clear and perfect for star-gazing. Amy and I made plans to hang out that night. I was sitting on a swing, waiting for Amy. My eyes looking at the ground in boredom. Finally, I heard the crunching of autumn leaves being stepped on. I turned my head to be faced with Amy.

Back then, her hair was always in pigtails. I see she grew out of that hairstyle now, but back then it looked nice on her. Amy had a heavy hoodie on too. It was really chilly.

"H-Hi Amy!" I twitched excitedly. She smiled.

"Hi Toby!" She exclaimed back as she sat down on a swing next to me.

"Aren't these stars pretty?" Amy asked. I twitched and nodded.

"Yeah...they're s-so shiny," I replied. Amy giggled.

"And sparkly too!" She said in glee, "I...never want to leave here..." She sighed. I could tell Amy was upset about something.

"Amy...what's w-wrong?" I asked.

"They're making me leave," She answered like she was about to cry. I was confused then. At first I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Whatcha talking about?" I questioned. I heard Amy cry softly.

"I'm transferring foster homes," She replied, "my now ex-foster parents noticed the bruises and cuts I got from the others so they decided that I need to switch. I...won't be able to see you anymore. It's in a different town..." I got angry back then. She was my only friend and they were taking her away from me.

"That's not fair!" I yelled madly, "So, I'm never going to see you again?" Amy sighed.

"Toby...we'll see each other again. One day we will! I'm not sure when that day is, but if our friendship is pure and true then we will see each other again," She explained. Even back then she was optimistic about mostly everything. She was always trying to stay positive. I twitched.

"Can you promise me something, Amy?" I asked. She nodded.

"Of course I can!" She exclaimed while smiling, "What's the promise?"

"That you will a-always be my friend, no matter w-what," I said.

"I promise, but you also have to promise me something," She replied.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"You will always be my friend, no matter what," she answered. I twitched and smiled.

"Ok deal!" I exclaimed while we shook hands.

"Do you...remember when we first met?" Amy asked. I nodded eagerly and twitched.

"Of course I do!" I replied, "Do you?"
Amy nodded.

"Yep! I remember walking in the lunchroom that day. It was 2nd grade. I didn't know where to sit because I didn't really have any friends. But then I saw you sitting at a table surrounded by a few people who were in our class. They kept shouting Ticci Toby and other names that were mean towards you. I walked up to them and said to them to leave you alone. After I told them for like the third time, they left. Then I...decided to sit by you. We talked and talked then...BAM! We became friends," she explained. I smiled and twitched.

"Y-Yeah," I uttered, "I remember, but not just that. Y-You never judged me based on my disorder. You accepted me for who I was. You never called m-me Ticci T-Toby. You called me just...Toby. Amy...I-I never thanked you for what you did that day or the other days y-you have helped me when I was sad. Thank you s-so much, Amy! Thank you for e-everything!" Amy smiled and small tears rolled down her eyes. We both got up from the swings and hugged each other.

"I'm gonna miss you, Toby," Amy whispered. I twitched.

"I'm gonna miss you too," I whispered back.
(Flashback over)
I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I can't believe I saw her again. Ever since I turned into...this, I never thought I would see her. But fate brought her to me. Our friendship was true. She was right. She's always right. I sighed and twitched. I heard footsteps walking towards me.

It was Dr. Smiley. He looked down on my confused.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. I twitched and looked up at him.

"It's just...I saw a great friend tonight. I never thought I would see her, but I did. I-I can't kill her. I w-won't!" I yelled. Dr. Smiley sat next to me.

"Who's your friend?" He questioned. I twitched.

"A-Amy," I uttered, "Her n-name is Amy." Dr. Smiley grinned.

"I met her in here," he said, "She seems like a nice, gentle girl." I nodded.

"B-But not just that!" I exclaimed, "I met her back in elementary school. She would always be there for me, but one day...she had to leave. It wasn't her fault that she left. Then later on I turned in what I am now and realized I would never see her again, but...I did. I don't want her to die here. I want to tell her where the key is, but I would get in trouble." Dr. Smiley nodded and got up.

"Come on, Toby," he stated, "Let's go find Amy and tell her...where the key is." I got up from the ground and looked at him.

"Won't t-they be mad," I muttered. Dr. Smiley shrugged.

"To be honest, I don't really care anymore. Besides, if people are mad, they'll learn to forgive us," he explained. I twitched and nodded.

"O-Ok...then l-let's go!" I yelled while smiling. And then we left and went to look for Amy.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I will write more as soon as I can.

Bye and see you all next time!!!


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