The Key's TRUE Location

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Dr. Smiley's pov
Toby and I walked around looking for Amy. I never knew Toby and Amy knew each other. That's actually kinda...interesting. I would of never guessed it. Finally I saw Amy and her friends. They were looking around the ride with the tea-cups.

"A-Amy!" Toby yelled while twitching. Amy and her friends turned their heads.

"Toby!" She yelled back. They ran and hugged each other. Her friends were hesitant, but slowly followed Amy.

"Oh hi Dr. Smiley," she said when she let go of Toby.

"Hi, Ms. Amy," I replied. The blonde one grinned.

"So...Dr. Smiley, was it?" she cooed, "Do you have a girlfriend?" Amy groaned quietly.

"Now's not the time, Katy," Amy told Katy politely. Katy rolled her eyes.

"So, how are you guys?" Amy asked smiling.

"G-Good, but we need to tell you something," Toby uttered, "A-ALL of you." Amy looked concerned. Her friends looked confused.

"This is vitally important so you all must listen," I explained. Amy nodded and so did her friends.

"What is this about?" Amy asked.

"It's about the key..." I said, "Don't you want to know where it is?" Amy nodded eagerly.

"Yes, of course!" She exclaimed, determined by her answer.

"'s not in a place...a person has it. A p-person who has been in the Amusement Park b-basically the whole time," Toby explained while twitching. Amy stared wide-eyed.

"Don't tell me..." she said in disbelief, "L.J. has the key...doesn't he?" I nodded.

"Yep, he does, Ms. Amy," I replied, "he has had it this whole time. Technically the key was in the carnival the whole time because Laughing Jack was in here, but he broke the rule once when he kidnapped you." Amy nodded.

"It actually makes sense," she stated, "It was so obvious! Why didn't I think of that?" Toby twitched and giggled.

"Even now you're trying to be "little miss genius"," He smirked, "I remember back at school you were the one who would get everything right. I see nothing has changed about that." She laughed.

"I try," She uttered, "That's all that counts. Oh, and thanks for telling me and my friends where the key was. Now we can retrieve it and get out of here." Toby twitched.

"H-Hey, that's what friends are for," he replied. I sighed.

"I hate to cut this conservation short," I explained, "But I believe we should get going...farewell, Ms. Amy."

"Bye A-Amy!" Toby exclaimed, "May our p-paths cross again!" Amy slightly laughed.

"Bye guys and thanks again," she said. And just like that we were gone. I hope that we did the right thing. But deep down...I believed we did. It won't be long now before Amy and her friends find the key. It won't be that long at all...
Amy's pov
Did that...really just happen? I can't believe it. The key...we finally know where the key is.

"I-I can't believe it!" Nikki stuttered in glee, "We can finally get out of here!" Katy sighed.

"Not yet..." she uttered, "We STILL have to go get the key." I nodded.

"That's true," I replied, "All we have to do is find L.J. and ask him for the key." Katy laughed.

"Do you think it's gonna be THAT easy?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Kinda...yeah," I answered truthfully. Katy shook her head and groaned.

"No Amy...we need a plan," she explained, "A really good plan."

"I agree," Nikki said as she nodded, "He's not just going to give us the key." Katy grinned.

"See," she smirked, "we need to think of a plan. Bella? Got anything?" Bella thought for a minute.

"I might have an idea," she uttered.

"Well, what is it?" Katy asked. She smiled.

"We ambush him!" Bella exclaimed, "Then we take the key by force!" I did NOT agree with this plan. He's way bigger than us. Also...he can travel through black smoke.

"Uh...guys," I uttered, "I don't think that's a good-" Katy jumped with glee.

"Good plan, Bella," she said. Nikki nodded.

"Yeah," Nikki replied, "I think that's the only way to get it." Are they really ignoring me? It's fine, It's fine. Don't get mad.

"We should at least have a lookout," I uttered. Katy rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she huffed, "But YOU can be the lookout. You have to say if the plan is going downhill." I nodded.

"I'll yell, abort," I explained, "you know...if things turn to the worse." They nodded.

"Alright!" Bella yelled, "Operation get the key back is underway!" At that, Katy and the others walked away while I walked around trying to be lookout.

There's no way this is going to end well.
WHOOP! Chapter completed.

I hope you guys liked it!

Bye and see you guys next time!!!


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