The Idea

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Amy's pov
I finally caught up to my friends. Katy crossed her arms.

"Where were you?" She sneered.

"I was just asking Ben if he knew where the key was," I replied calmly and nicely. Nikki hugged me again.

"Again, thanks for saving me," she spoke while shaking. Ben must of really scared her. Speaking of Ben...why did he stare at me like that when I shook his hand after the game. It wasn't like a glare or something bad like that. He just stared at me.

Also, he held my hand the whole time too. I don't know why he stared at me and held my hand for so long. It's as if he was in another world or something...

"Um, earth to Amy!" Katy exclaimed harshly. I blinked and saw everyone staring at me. Nikki wasn't in my arms anymore. I guess I was so deep in thought that I didn't feel her leave my arms.

"Sorry..." I uttered apologetically. Nikki sighed.

"It's fine," she explained, "I was just asking you on how you beat Ben?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"In the video game. If my reading is right, Ben is really good at video games," she answered. I shrugged.

"I don't really know," I muttered, "He is pretty good at video games, but I think I just got lucky." Bella nodded.

"I see...," she said, "That makes sense."

"So, what now?" Nikki asked.

"I'm not sure," Bella replied. I turned around and looked at the fence. It was tall. Then I looked at those rectangular concession stands. It did have wheels. I grinned.

"What are you thinking about, Amy?" Bella questioned. I looked at her and the others.

"I think I have an idea that might work," I answered. Katy jumped.

"Well, what is it?!" Katy cried out impatiently. I thought for a minute and walked towards the stand. I pushed on it, but it didn't move. It's pretty heavy.

"Can you guys please help me push this," I asked nicely. They nodded expect for Katy who rolled her eyes and came to help. We all pushed. Thank god Katy and Bella were here because Nikki and I were pretty weak. We pushed the stand up against the fence.

"Oh, I see!" Nikki exclaimed. I nodded and smiled. But something within me didn't feel comfortable about this. It just seems too easy. Bella climbed the stand by using the "window" that you would talk to the person through.

She then helped us up, one by one. We were all up on the roof. We walked to the edge and looked on the other side of the fence. Since we were at the back if the carnival, it was the forest.

"That's a loooooooong way down," Bella said. I nodded.

"Yeah...," I uttered, "I'll go first." I took my book bag out and placed it on my stomach. My friends looked at me weird.

"It's to break my fall," I explained. I walked over to the fence and jumped because the fence was so tall that I had to still jump to get to the top. Once I had a grip on the fence, I swung my leg over the fence. I was on top of the fence now.

It was a pretty site. I looked at the infinite looking amount of trees and the beautiful starry night. I sighed at the beauty of it.

"Hurry up!" Katy yelled rudely. I snapped out of the nature's beauty and almost fell off the fence.

"S-Sorry," I stuttered. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Then...I leaped off. For a split second, I felt like I was flying. I from everything horrid in the world. That feeling was the best feeling I have ever experienced. Then the ground hit me with a thud, but like I planned, my book bag broke my fall. I got up and shake my legs and arms to make sure nothing was broken.

Nothing was so I am a lucky one. I could see my friends from the carnival lights. Katy was next. She came up and got on top of the fence no problem.

"I'll catch you!" I exclaimed at her.

"Whatever," she replied. She jumped off and I caught her. She didn't even say thank you, but that's just how Katy was. Finally when everyone else was down they cheered.

"We did it!" Nikki said. Bella laughed and smiled. Even Katy was grinning and laughing, but I stayed silent.

There's no way it could be this easy, I thought.

And just when I thought that, I heard static and everything went black.


Slenderman's pov


I'm glad I didn't teleport a second sooner. I sensed four beings over the fence and it was those girls Laughing Jack told me about. Right before I knocked them out, I managed to read one of their thoughts.

There's no way it could be this easy, the girl with the book bag thought. Smart child. I grabbed them with my tentacles and teleported back inside the amusement park. I put each girl in a corner of the place. Right when I was about to set the last girl in the corner, I saw LJ come out.

"Hey Slendy~" he chirped. I would roll my eyes...if I had any.

"How many times do I have to say it," I told LJ, annoyed, "it's Slender." He laughed and looked at the child I had in my hands. Since she was the last child, I moved her to my arms.

"Whatcha doing with Amy?" he asked.

I tilted my head.

"Amy?" I questioned. He laughed and nodded.

"Yep, that's Amy!" he giggled, "she even beat Ben in a video game and has pretty much stayed calm this whole time." I nodded. Interesting. This child might be useful. I set her down to the ground. LJ took her book bag.

"I'll be needing this," he said as he got out a piece of paper out with pen. He wrote a quick note and put it in Amy's hand. He laughed manically.

"Bye Slendy!~" he exclaimed as he walked away. I sighed and looked at the child for another second before teleporting back to where Sally and Splendorman were.


So close to escaping...but it 'twas a failure. Hope you liked the chapter and I shall write more soon.


1. Don't trust barrels

2. Stay toasty my friends

3. And there's MORE TO COME

Bye and see you guys next time!!!


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