They say it gets better

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They say it gets better and I want to believe that. I have fought with depression for so many years I hardly remember before I had it anymore. Yes there are times when I don't feel like blowing my head off. But time after time the feeling comes back. It seems to be my brain's "go to" thought whenever I'm even the slightest bit upset. I have tried depression medication.... Many kinds.... But they don't seem to do anything for me but make me a tired zombie. I stopped trying to find one that works about two years ago.

My family can't grasp why I feel the way I do, Heck I don't know why I feel this way half of the time. People without depression just can't understand. They think they must be doing something wrong and feels upset when I talk about how I feel, so I have just stopped talking to them about it. Why upset them over and over again.

Well like I said I do have some good days and while I'm having a bad one I try and tell myself it will get better. I will feel ok again. But for how long do I have to keep saying this to myself. How many times will the depression rear it's ugly head over and over again. I'm tired, so tired. I just want to know that the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train.

Does anyone feel the same way. Or am I totally alone in this

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