My Guys - Chapter 2

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Phil! At The Disco: There's really not much to know | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Bullshard | Sent

Phil! At The Disco: ... | Sent
Wtf is a bullshard | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: I don't swear! ((IMPOSTOR)) | Sent

Phil! At The Disco: Aww. | Sent
Is Danny too scawed to swear in case mummy might catch you? | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: No and I'm 27. | Sent

Phil! At The Disco: Oh cool im 31 | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: No way | Sent
I don't believe that. | Sent
I refuse | Sent

Phil! At The Disco: Lol okay then | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Oh my god you actually just said lol... | Sent
Nevermind, I believe you | Sent

Phil! At The Disco: Oh shut up | Sent
Wait I gtg my guys are calling me | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs: Your guys? That's a weird way to say your friends | Sent
Phil? | Sent

Phil! At The Disco: He's innocent for a 27 year old

—Phil's POV (WHAT? Uhh yeah, no surprise here)—

I chuckle as I turn my phone off, tucking it safely in my front pocket before zipping it up.

"Boss?" Jack calls once again.

"Shut up before I make you. I'm coming right now." I bark, my tone icy and soulless. How did those idiots mess up so much? It was literally a corner store, all they had to get was cigs and some cash.

"Y-Yes, Sir..."


Hmm? Oh, yeah, I made Phil a crime lord.
In all seriousness, I just wanted my texting fic to be different from others. I guess this is my messed up way of doing that.
Ok bye.

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