So whats happening? (You actually do need to read this please)

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Thing I need to talk about number 1: Right. *Lipsmack* So Dan came out.

And while I am so proud of him and thankful for whatever higher power has blessed us with such wonders... As a phanfiction writer it leaves me kinda between a rock and a hard place.

I am NOT discontinuing this book. HELL NO! NOT WHEN WE'RE SO CLOSE TO THE END.

But the thing is... Should I take down the smut? I have one finished and one in the works. Should I extract the smut and put it in a separate book as an archive for smut from my stories? Or should I just leave it? It's no secret that people are starting to be uncomfortable reading and writing phanfiction, there's that many books I love getting cut because of it. (I feel like I should clarify, I am not trying to shame any of these authors. I'm friends with one of them (yes one because I have no other online friends)

So what do?

OK there's the serious point out of the way.

New cover! I'm curious as to which one you like best. I'm gonna change it anyways since the old one makes me cringe now so....

 I'm gonna change it anyways since the old one makes me cringe now so

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Same style, better execution in my opinion

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Same style, better execution in my opinion. Also that title is my pride and joy. MY HANDWRITING HAS NEVER BEEN SO NEAT IN MY LIFE ON THAT LOVE PART. I also like the colours better, but it still fits the vibe.

Ever since I've noticed the smut being written, it seems like there are a lot more ghost readers, which I get. So, that again links up to point 1. Do you want the smut or not, people?

Or is it just that people forgot about this book while I was taking a break?

4. I miss this book, believe it or not. On Monday and Tuesday I was sick with a bug that basically made me confined to my bed and dizzy. It got better but then work Experience happened, where I had to spend a lot of time on public transport, in work, walking and sleeping. Didn't help I had to work with kids either so I was drained every day.
Obviously before that there was my Stepmum's car crash and what I haven't told you is the awful financial situation we've been left in. It's a long and complicated story that I don't really feel qualified to talk about, but just know that since my stepmum has a job in driving, her therapist says she can't ever go back to that, even if she drives again (which she unfortunately has to). So half of the income is gone and with the outflow, they're left with about £20 to feed me, my little brother and themselves. For a month.

So I've just been trying to talk to them so they get a bit less stressed, meaning I don't really have the time.

Well that was a fun segment, wasn't it? Just wanna clarify this isn't me asking for pity, I'm just exclaiming why this book has vanished off the face of the earth as of recently.

5. Now. As I said earlier, this book is nearly over. I have Dolls For The Devil, but it looks like I'm not gonna get to write it seeing as you guys don't want it and nobody's PMed or Snapchatted me saying not to count their reads, and there aren't many votes. So do you guys want another phanfiction orrr?

But that's about it. Finally. 588 words in I'm done.

Jesus that's longer than some of my chapters.

Alright so bye for now

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