Character Answers (Not a chapter obviously)

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Can I have a hug? ( @BenjaminIantheGREAT1 )

Of course! *Hugs you*
I think I needed that as well *Sad smile*


Are you positive that you're 100% alive? ( @BenjaminIantheGREAT1 )

oH MY gOD SToP dONt mAKe ME haVe AN EXIsTenTIaL cRiSIs

How do you find happiness in the dark? ( @BenjaminIantheGREAT1 thanks again)

You're asking ME that? I don't know, I'm way too much of a mess to give advice right now. Maybe I said something in an Internet Support Group video before? Idk man (err or other pronouns).

Nigel (Phil's dad)

Why are you so mean to your son? (trashx30 )

I never thought of it as being mean to the boy...
Look, you have to understand that in the world of crime, you have to get used to being disrespectful otherwise others take advantage of you. If you don't have those walls up you're just gonna get you and everyone around you hurt.
I know I'm a s##t parent, but crime can't love, even if it's your own children.


I don't understand you weirdos. Can I leave now?

Sure no one here likes you anyways


Kathryn (Phil's mum)

Were you forced to marry Nigel? ( @BenjaminIantheGREAT1 )

Wow, this is quite personal.
I guess I kind of was. We started dating when one of his goons kidnapped me after I saw something I shouldn't have. Nigel... He offered me a deal.
He said that if I pretended to date him I'd be released from captivity. Obviously, I agreed. Soon, I was gaining feelings for him, and he was too.
Fast forward a few months, and I was pregnant with our first baby, Martyn.
Nigel gave me two options; he'd lend me some money and rent a cheap house for me and the baby so I could leave the world of crime while I still could. Or, he'd marry me and we'd raise the baby together.
I don't know if I chose right, but I just didn't want my baby (soon to be babies) to grow up without a dad.

Me: wow that was intense. I could write a prequel on that alone.

You asked.


Are you the android sent by cyberlife? ( @BenjaminIantheGREAT1 )

Why does everyone I meet ask that? Dan said it was from a game but I just don't understand.
... Dan...
I miss him...

Me: urgh I thought I was going to finally get Phan together ffs

Oh shut up you wrote this story!

*grumbles bitterly*

Dan's Phone (Yes, you read that right)

How did you feel when Dan dropped you? (@_bishdafuk_ )

GenericManufacturer: I've been told that the author doesn't remember this part of the book so she suggests you tell her when it happened if you can remember and if not I should just recall how it felt all the other times he dropped me | Sent

Dan: Hey it's not like I try to! | Sent

GenericManufacturer: It feels like the female human equivalent of giving birth while stubbing your toe repeatedly over 5000 times. The male equivalent is like being kicked down there while stubbing your toes 10,000 times. Thanks Dan. | Sent


So I've decided to leave the QnA questioning chapter up so I can still get questions if people don't understand the plot or just wanna make me laugh with silly questions. It's gonna work so I just do mini QnA's at the end of each chapter and I'll tag you when I answer the question! I know this plot is hectic and a gigantic mess so I feel like this book needs it. So still ask me questions if you wanna!
I think that's all I needed to say, so yeah. Bye.

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