You Look Happier, You Do - Chapter 11

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I'm sorry, but in my defence I did warn you about angst.

Phil's POV—

I'm so stupid.
How did I allow myself to be so weak?
He seems so happy... I could never make him this happy...

Thoughts plague my mind, tearing at my brain and my heart in a synchronised fashion.

I shouldn't have let myself fall this deep. We can't even meet!

As these toxic thoughts race my brain, I remember the conversation me and father had the other day.

"You are going to get a wife and you will both start a family, who will then continue our legacy. If you fail to do so, I'm afraid I'll have to arrange the marriage with the police chief's daughter."

It couldn't hurt to at least meet her, I guess? Clearly, Dan doesn't love me, so I might as well. I think I'll tell my dad in the morning, but right now I just desperately need sleep...

Dan's POV—

Yesterday, Connor and I got to know each other, and he's a great person! If I didn't already have a crush, I'm sure I'd be absolutely infatuated with him.

Right now I don't really feel anything, but that's probably just because I'm too focused on Phil...

But I can't have Phil. I think that's why I said yes when he asked me to be his boyfriend - it's horrible, but I guess Connor's my rebound... I'm a horrible person.

New message from Connor<3

Connor<3: Hey babe | Sent

Dandruff: Hiya! | Sent
Your names so boring | Sent
Here | Sent

You changed Connor<3's name to 28STABWOUNDS

28STABWOUNDS: What's that about? | Sent

Dandruff: Like from DBH? | Sent
It's a videogame! | Sent

28STABWOUNDS: Oh, I don't really like playing games but it's fine if you do! | Sent

Dandruff: Well, it is part of my job. | Sent

28STABWOUNDS: ? | Sent
Wdym? | Sent

Dandruff: Remember how I told you my job is to make videos on the internet? | Sent
Well, I have a secondary channel where I upload gaming videos. | Sent

28STABWOUNDS: Cute. | Sent

Dandruff: Thanks... I guess | Sent
I should probably head to bed, ty ly bb | Sent ((I just did that-))

28STABWOUNDS: Bye babe | Sent

Dandruff: Eww I hate that nickname | Draft
Draft deleted

----Next Day----
New message from UGH

UGH: Morning Dan | Sent
Sorry about last night, I fell asleep | Sent
I need your help | Sent

Happylad: Dwbi! | Sent
Oh, what with? | Sent

UGH: I think I'm gonna meet up with the girl my dad wants me to marry | Sent

Happylad: Okay? | Sent
Do you want to? | Sent

UGH: Not really but I need to marry someone | Sent
I have a crush but they don't like me back, as childish as that sounds | Sent

Happylad: It's not childish! | Sent

UGH: Fine, just help me figure this s### out. | Sent

Happylad: Well... | Sent
Maybe just meet up with her, if you get along it might actually work out. | Sent

UGH: Right... | Sent
I hate my family. | Sent
My dad, specifically | Sent

Happylad: I just wanna hug you :( | Sent

UGH: Too bad its physically impossible | Sent

Happylad: Wait... | Sent
Phil it doesn't have to be | Sent

UGH: Dan, no. | Sent

Happylad: Why?! | Sent
We both live in the UK! | Sent
Thinking about it... | Sent
I don't even know your last name | Sent
Who are you, Phil? | Sent

UGH: I wish I could tell you | Draft
But some of us don't have the privilege of vulnerability | Draft
Drafts deleted

Happylad: Fine then be a child. See if I care

UGH: I'm sorry | Sent

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