Everything About You... - Chapter 26

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Laughs evilly *

Dan's PoV

"Phil?" I asked him as he locked the door to our apartment.

"Yeah, bub?"

"I know we were gonna go to that bubble tea place, but I think I know a better place to go..."

"Oh, really? Well we can still go there swee- Dan. If you really want to." He gave me a heart-melting smile. I'm so happy he messaged me.

"Yay! Let's go!" I cheered and Phil looked at me with an intense emotion I didn't dare put a name to.

"Wanna tell me where we're going?" He chuckled as we sat next together on the tube.

"I'll give you a hint, maybe?" With a few excited nods from Phil, I began clarifying, "Well, you always talked about how much you love Ferris wheels, so I thought I'd get us some tickets..."

"No way, we're going on the Manchester eye?!" ((Yes, I did mean Manchester. Try to figure out how ;) ))

"You're incredible, Dan." He mused as I laid my head on his shoulders.

After a few minutes, we were at the Manchester eye and, surprisingly, there was no queue. It's a miracle.

"I didn't realise it was so late in the day!" I exclaimed, surprised at the sunset view blossoming before us.

"I knew," He paused, exhaling, "but you know what I didn't notice until now?"

"Hmm?" I hum, still to starstruck by the view to process his words.

"How beautiful you are." That broke me out of my haze, and I snapped around to meet Phil's seemingly confident, but undoubtedly nervous eyes. "I've just noticed how radiant you look in the light of the less beautiful sunset." He looked into my eyes as he hesitantly placed his large hands over my small waist. I felt awkward with my hands at my side, so I moved them to knot around his neck as I gazed back into his diamond eyes. The gesture visibly gave him some confidence, and he continued to speak with a smoother, but still equally soft, voice.

"Dan... Everything about you... It's just so beautiful. Your eyes glisten like melted chocolate and your hair's so soft, all of the strands merge together to form beautiful curls that fall so perfectly across your forehead. Your body is the definition of perfect, the way all your soft curves fit together like a statue... And your personality is the best thing about you.

Just... How are you so incredible, Dan? You can make anyone fall for you."

"P-Phil... Are you saying..?" I stuttered as butterflies soared through my stomach.

"Yeah. Yes, I am. Daniel James Howell... Will you be my wonderful boyfriend?"

"Yes! God yes!" I cried, gazing into his azure eyes. His hand left my waist to caress my jawline, his thumb straying away so he could feel the cracked texture of my lips. We both leaned forward until-


"OWW! OH MY GOD!" I hear Phil scream through the walls. "For god's sake, did I actually just- Oh my god I broke it." It takes me a minute to register that I was lying in bed, and not on a Ferris wheel. But then I realise...

I just had a dream about kissing Phil.

And it was the most incredible dream I've ever had.

What? I thought these feelings would go away when I started dating Connor? Was I really attracted to Phil more than my goddamn boyfriend?

The answer to the last question petrified me.

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