Just... Be Gentle? - Chapter 17

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Sorry in advance... Again.
TW: Pressured into sex (this book is so family friendly, isn't it? Yeah, I really need to keep that mature tag on there) and it seems like there's gonna be smut but there's no actual (written) sex. Just kinda uncomfortable.


Dan's PoV

"Hey baby." Connor said in a deep voice, deeper than usual. I laughed uncomfortably.

"H-Hi C-Connor. Come in,"

"Thanks. Are you feeling okay? You look super blush-y."

"Y-Yeah, I'm just not used to you using that tone of voice..." I trailed off.

"Oh? Well do you like it?" Connor probably thought I was pretending to hesitate, but really I didn't know if I did or not. Sure - I loved deep voices when specific people used them, but I... I don't know. Maybe I just didn't think of Connor that way?

But he's my boyfriend.

And I love my boyfriend.

"Mmm... Nah." I decided, half-jokingly, half-truthfully.

"Oh, really? So you wouldn't mind if I did," He gently but firmly grasped my hips and pulled him towards him before backing me into the wall of the hallway. "this?" He whispered, breath trailing down my neck ((Jesus Christ this is so smutty. I'm not writing actual smut I swear)).

I shivered as the air hit my neck. I hated my neck being touched.

"Sensitive on the neck, are we?" Not in the way you'd think.

"A-A little..." As his lips began to near my neck, I felt them curl into a confident smirk. ((Ok but my staffie just jumped my bed and is trying to eat my food oops

Ok get back to the chapter now))

"S-Sweetheart I don't know if I wanna do this..."

"Why? We've already done it, and you loved it."

"I'm just a little bit tired-"

"I promise you that you'll love it, baby." His fingers began lightly tracing my waist and chest, before trailing down to my thighs where he idly rested his hands. "But, I won't force you to do anything, even if I'll be disappointed."

I didn't notice how hard he was until he slowly retracted. It's evil to leave someone like that, I thought, sudden guilt hitting me like a tsunami crushing a tiny village. ((Jfc this isn't what I actually think. This is Dan's PoV, remember))

I didn't want to be that tsunami.

"Okay." I muttered, looking down to the floor and feeling as small as an ant as Connor began to walk to the bathroom.

"Huh?" He asked turning back to me. "Baby, are you sure? You don't-"

"I'm sure sweetheart, just a little nervous. Be gentle, alright?"

"Of course baby, I'll take good care of you." He wrapped his arms around my waist again, slowly trailing downwards to my butt.

"And Connor?" He made a 'mhm' sound to acknowledge as he started to kiss my neck. "Please don't kiss my neck."

"Oh, sorry baby. I promise I won't." Almost immediately he brought his face away and began to kiss me normally, hands raising from their place to my waist, sliding beneath my soft, black jumper.

"Thank you. You know where the bedroom is."

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