I'm Breaking Up With You - Chapter 41

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Nobody's POV ((OH MY GOD))

Everything was dark, darker than it should have been. The room was cold, the chains around Dan's wrists painfully tight ((Don't think inappropriate things, people.)) and burning through the soft flesh like ice. There was no temporary moment of amnesia, no hesitation on Dan's part - he knew what happened immediately.

And suddenly the freezing cold wasn't the only thing sending violent shivers up Dan's spine.

Whispers echoed around the small cell, almost silent but no less terrifying. The blood in his veins roared louder than the murmurs, his heart thumping viciously enough to break his ribs or arteries.

Phil was in a room with barely different conditions, though his ribs had even more reason to shatter than Dan's. The room's walls were grey, sending a message clear from the start. His hands were tied in every sense of the word, the wooden chair poking splinters into his bare arms and (through the thin fabric of his thin t-shirt) his back was almost torn up. It was possibly worse than the cement he'd woken up on, much like his boyfriend.

Phil just hoped he would be okay.

"What do you want, Raven? If this is about my family, I've told you all I know-"

"I don't care about your pathetic family issues!" Raven spat, tone icy like the sharp spikes of metal in the Iron Maiden leaning against the wall, mostly just for decoration. Mostly.

"What do you want from me? I've told you everything I know," Phil pleaded.

"What I want? What I want is to get paid by the man who hired me." She growled, eyes practically molten steel.

"Huh, never imagined you to be such a lowlife thug, Raven." Within a second she had a knife against my face, between my eyes.

"Connor didn't say I had to keep you alive, you know. I could kill you right now." The very possibility struck fear into Phil's veins, but he didn't dare show it. That would be giving her what she wanted.

"I always knew you were a hothead," He smirked, enjoying the lava in her eyes as he waved the red flag right in front of her face. "father always did say you had a faulty temper."

"You little-"

"Raven?! B-bubby, what are you doing to Phil?" A small voice cried out in shock, tear's springing to Amber's eyes.

"Amber, not now! I'm busy."

"No! Why is Phil in the dungeon?! Dan must be so worried about him!" She cried, distress evident in her stature, shoulders hunched and lip trembling. Wait, Phil thought as he looked her over, not able to believe it. Is... Is that Amber? The daughter of the police chief?

"Amber for god's sake- Oh. Oh no, don't cry, baby." Raven walked towards her, but Amber just flinched back. The taller's eyes were sad, seeing how scared, disappointed and downright betrayed she looked. And it broke Raven's heart.

But she couldn't let Phil see. He'd already seen too much.

"No! You said you had 2 by accident, is it Dan? Where is Dan, Raven?!"

"Let's just talk about this outside, ok sweetheart?"

"No! Where is Dan?!" She cried, tears flowing down her defeated face.

"He's in the other cell, ok? I need to finish this, go play on your computer, Amber Leigh Ellish, or else I have to-"

"No, Raven Diya Clark, if you hurt Phil, I-I..." She paused, tears falling to the ground. "I'm breaking up with you."

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