We Truly Saw Eachother - Chapter 24

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Phil's POV

Somewhere in the middle of our selected anime, Dan had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I always thought this would hurt, considering it's another human's head on your shoulder, but it's actually quite relaxing.

His breath was steady and a ghost of a smile rested upon his lips, looking so adorable. I ran a couple fingers through his soft curls, pressing a featherlight kiss to his forehead. I knew he wouldn't feel it, I barely felt it and I did it.

Not wanting to risk getting pins and needles, I reluctantly forced myself to get up, taking care to make sure Dan would still be comfy and sleeping soundly. I laid his head on a pillow as I got up. I didn't know what to do so I figured I should just get used to this place.

I closed all the blinds and curtains as I passed through most rooms, since I knew father might be looking for me; I was dead to him (literally) but you can never be too safe. I did this until I turned the last doorknob, realising it was Dan's bedroom.

After a few moments of hesitance, I decided to just go in, close the blinds and leave. I was about to leave but then something caught my eye.

A picture of a girl and Dan on a beach. They looked like they were laughing, and ice cream was smeared all over each other's faces, the cones pretty much empty.

"That's Georgia. I would explain who she was but I don't think I need to." Dan's voice startled me in the dark room, and on natural instinct I jumped and turned to him.

"This- This is her?" I whispered, clutching the photo frame weakly as my hands quivered. She looked exactly the same in it as the day she died, how did I not notice that.

This is why I tried to let Dan live happily without me ruining it.

"Yeah..." Taking the frame from me gently, staring at it with wishful sadness. You did this to him. He would be happy without you. You could still...

"Dan... I need to go-"

"I know what you're trying," He started, sulking down at the photo, but I doubt he was observing it. "but I'm not going to let that happen. Please stay alive for me, Philly?" His eyes tore from the image and...

For the first time it felt like we truly saw one another.

For the first time I felt I saw Daniel Howell, the lonely boy who puts everything into his job so he can feel there are some people out there who will not leave him.

And for the first time Dan saw me, Philip Michael Lester, the suicidal runaway who's constantly haunted by his regrets. The secretive boy that will never let himself get attached and hurt others.

That's who we were. We were Dan and Phil, each other's flashlight - helping each other through the dark forest but still hiding the dangers awaiting the other just a centimetre to the left.

And for the first time we truly saw each other.

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