Outsmarted - Chapter 40

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A short chapter but important to the plot so...
TW: Kidnapping and being bamboozled.
ALSO PHIL CAME OUT. I was freaking out.

Phil's POV

Oh, sorry I meant Dominant Marshmallow's POV

My feet hit the pavement as the chilly air of London circled around me. I didn't feel it, though, I just felt the warmth of Dan's hand intertwined with mine and the joy in his voice as he rambled about seeing Josh again. God, my boyfriend is adorable.

"I still don't know why he wanted to bring us to a gay club. Are you sure I shouldn't be jealous?" I chuckled, sending him a grin.

"Pfft, nah. You can be a jerk sometimes but you're a jerk that I love. Plus living with Josh would drive me insane." I smiled, kissing his cheek. He blushed and looked ahead.

We were walking by an alleyway when it happened. When a scream cut out joking around off. Frozen in shock and fear, our eyes could only connect to say what we had to say - a conversation without a single word uttered. I would go in there myself just to check, but I knew Dan wouldn't wait here for me. He was skinnier than me, much skinnier. He was lanky and rather weak. I love his weight - as I do with everything about him - but when it comes to combat and intimidation it wasn't ideal... Not to mention the makeup so obvious on his face.

I couldn't decide, I wanted to help so bad but Dan might get hurt-

"Help!" A familiar voice shrieked. Josh.

That was what convinced Dan to start pulling me into the alleyway with him, his movements less graceful than before and breath ragged. I moved in front of him, whispering quietly, "Stay behind me." before grabbing a broken pipe from the floor, the metal bent and suffocated in dust, careful to avoid it's sharp ends. "I'm going to try and surprise them. You call the police. No stepping in. Promise me that."

"Phil I can't promise you that..." ((AYYY! For those of you who don't understand, I can't promise you that used to be the name of this phanfiction until like chapter 13 or something.))

"Dan, please..." I whispered, gently pecking his lips.

"I..." His eyes started to tear up. "I'll try."

"I'll be safe, Dan. Hide behind the dumpster, quick." He nodded and quickly ran away, tears glistening, even in the dull alleyway.

Taking deep breaths, I observed the pipe. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best I had right now. Hopefully I could use my father's training to my advantage. Next I observed the thugs.

There were 3 of them, from what I could see. All crowded around someone who I guessed was laying on the floor. My steps were cautious - silent but swift - and my hand tightened around the pipe, heart hammering into my ribs with adrenaline from the anticipation. It didn't take long to realise the infamous logo embroidered onto the faux leather.

Of course.

They were growling towards the victim, whom I still couldn't see, their words cold and tongues ice. I was about to swing before Dan screamed out, though it was muffled and the voice cracked, "Phil, behind you!"

And then everything stopped.


Confession: I want to end this book as soon as I can so I can edit the damn thing. My god there are so many loose ends. This is what happens when you don't plan ahead people. Like the deal chapter I want to delete completely. Plus I have a couple fics that could be up for voting against Dolls For The Devil which I want to write and I promised myself I wouldn't start them before I finish ccl so...
I'm thinking about doing a fantasy one or a school one. I'm not sure about either of them but they're both new so I'll welcome them.

Also I've spent so much time drawing covers the past week. I've started a Dolls For the devil one and finished one for that school fic. Though I still need to figure out the base for the fantasy one. I wanna include this little creature but I don't know a universe to put them in so...

 I wanna include this little creature but I don't know a universe to put them in so

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