D_dagger_ccl- Chapter 35

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New message from Unknown

Unknown: A little birdie told me that we could help each other | Sent

DDL ((I feel like there's an innuendo or joke I could make here but it's not coming to mind and it's really annoying)): Intriguing, but I'll need a password first, kid | Sent

Unknown: D_dagger_ccl | Sent

DDL: Impressive, you did your homework. | Sent
Now, continue | Sent

Unknown: Your rivals. | Sent
I assume you are aware of the family's recent loss. | Sent

DDL: Continue | Sent

Unknown: What if I told you he's still alive? | Sent
And that I know where he is | Sent
For a bit of help, of course | Sent

DDL: Name your price | Sent

Unknown: I need you to help me get revenge on him - a discrete and temporary membership with the perks of leadership. | Sent

DDL: Tell you what, we sort this out in a more... discrete area. | Sent
Our entrance is at the back of the abandoned Jericho warehouse, lift the fake grass, knock three times on the trapdoor and Dodie will let you in | Sent
You already know the password, and just ask for me. | Sent

Unknown: Got it. See you on Saturday? | Sent

DDL: Of course. | Sent
What's your name, kid? | Sent

Unknown has changed their name to Connor

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