(Im)Mature - Chapter 34

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I always feel like I need to apologise for being dead, even if it hasn't been that long or it'll just seem like I'm lying about it. Goddamn it.
Yikes this an is most of the chapter. It's still important though.
Also I still need the kinks you guys want me to write. Again, nothing too kinky because:
A) I dunno how it works. I read a lot of smut but otherwise I'm about as virgin as you get.
B) I dunno how to write smut
And C) I think the first time should be loving (Sorry my demisexual is showing, gimme a sec to hide it)
So maybe just smaller, almost vanilla-like kinks, please? Like daddy or hair pulling blah blah blah.
And I feel like Wattpad didn't notify people (again) for the last chapter so read that one first ok I'll let you read now


28STABWOUNDS: Hey Dan | Sent
I think we should talk | Sent
Read at 1:32 pm
Don't be like that Dan | Sent

Dan has changed your contact name to Ex(tremelyannoying)

Ex(tremelyannoying): Oh ffs grow up Dan. Be mature for once. | Sent
I just wanna talk to you | Sent
You can bring Lester if you want, idc | Sent

Dandruff: He has a name, you know | Sent

Ex(tremelyannoying): Does it sound like a care? | Sent
You know what, f##k you and your boy toy. | Sent
I texted you to get closure, but you're just shutting me out. That's all you ever seem to do. You're so stubborn and I'm sick of it | Sent
Text me when you finally decide to be an adult instead of a hormonal teenager in a 27 year-old's body | Sent

Dandruff: Rot in hell, Connor | Sent

Ex(tremelyannoying): I'd rather not, then I'd have to be with you | Sent
And tell Lester that applies for him too | Sent

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