I'm Working On It (It's not a hiatus)

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Hey. I need to get serious with you for a second. Don't worry I'm not gonna die... Yet... In all seriousness, this chapter is important. I tried to make it as short as possible but there's a lot I need to air out. So, let me explain:

I'm sorry this isn't a chapter, but (as some of you reading may know) I've recently been "diagnosed" with autism.

Now, the thing is, I'm not upset - in fact, I'm thrilled to finally get the support for my schoolwork I always wanted but never realised I needed.

But here's the catch. The woman who diagnosed me and wants to help me suggested that I relax a bit more and take a bit off my "workload", due to my GCSE's in year 11, the pressure of the teachers, and just general schoolwork. I'm only 14 but it already feels like in every subject a theres going to be a test the next day. Hell, I've got 3 separate tests next week.

Don't freak out, it's not a hiatus.

It's just that with all the pressure it's been hard to focus on anything leisurely, such as writing this fic, which I love doing, but consumes so much time that it's necessary it has my full attention so I can write the best possible chapters for the few people that read this book.

I hate that I can't focus. In many aspects Wattpad is like a safety net, but every time I try to write or read I just blank and end up zoning out. And it doesn't help that I'm so stuck on the next chapter. I desperately want to write it and to see it makes at least one of you readers a bit happier but I just blank and all of a sudden I don't know how to word it.

I know where I want to take this story and I'm happy with the current plot I have planned, I'm not giving up on this fic.

In fact, once I get through this chapter it'll be easier to write - this one's just like a hurdle; a mountain I must scale to see the beauty that lies beyond, the valley shadowed by such a- damnit I'm getting poetic again.

Seriously though, don't worry. I'm happy to announce updates are coming. I'm not leaving you hanging like I did with *cough* every other book. I don't have a good track record, and I wanna fix that.

I don't want this to be an excuse. I'm not using my autism as a defence or to get pity (which is the last thing I want), I'm just saying that until I get the help I need with school, or even a therapist if it's necessary, I may not be able to focus enough to write good chapters. Updates will take more time and probably be shorter, but it won't always be that way, I'm just trying to find a comfortable medium where I can be happy with the chapters I produce and still keep myself mentally stable. God knows how long it'll take, but I'm determined to scale this mountain of self-deprecation so I can get back to normal.

If you made it this far... Jesus Christ I am so sorry. I want to repeat, I don't want pity or sympathy. I just want to make sure you guys know what's going on and why there aren't going to be as many chapters as there were before school started. I could end this with a sappy "thanks for reading" thing, but I don't wanna go full YouTuber, and this has gone on for longer than it needed to. Just know that I appreciate your reads, whether you are a ghost reader or comment on every single paragraph, and I want to thank you for being patient while I get myself sorted out.

I would say something dramatic like "Bye for now, Internet!" But that's way to sappy and plus I'll probably need to answer questions so I'll just leave it at a thanks.

Thanks lads (I just ruined this entire chapter)

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