Tease - Chapter 39

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To make up for being gone for so long here's me playing with a puppy. You're welcome. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LuwW0VyLLAU
Also, the book's almost over... I haven't really thought about that yet. Jesus.
PS. Dan calls Phil daddy in this chapter but it's in a teasing way to turn him on and it's literally once so... Don't think I need to underline this. Though there is v much smexy teasing in stored ok byebul

Dan's POV

A grin burst across my features as I clicked the 'Upload' button and it began to process. I was actually really proud of this video. Usually, I like it when I edit them and have second thoughts, and, as time passes, I grow to hate it. But this one... I still like it. Maybe it's because Phil's in it.

"I'm so excited!" I cheered, turning to Phil only to see him biting his lip, uncertainty almost radiating from him - or maybe it was even fear? "Hey, what's wrong?"

"What? Nothing, baby. It's fine," I gave him a look saying 'don't give me that shi-' "I'm just a little nervous." He confessed with a sigh.

"Oh..." I paused watching as Youtube slowly processed the video. "You don't need to be, everybody will love you." He shook his head, then staring at me dead in the eyes.

"But that's the thing. What if they don't? They're fangirls - probably 90% of them have a crush on you. They might get jealous and-" As he began to panic, I cut him off with a kiss, nothing more than a short peck, but enough so that I could practically feel him tense beneath my hands as they rested on his cheeks ((FACE CHEEKS PEOPLE)).

"They'll love you, Philly. Almost as much as I do." I giggled, lips still brushing occasionally since we were so close. He rolled his eyes at me in a fond manner, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips. A sudden ding startled both of us, enough for our foreheads to bump into each other. "Ah!" I squealed, laughing and looking around for the source of the noise.

"I think that's my phone," He started, smile vanishing when he confirmed it was, "The video's up." He breathes out.

"Ooh, yay! Tell you what, how about we go and make some hot chocolate while all the comments roll in, saying how great you are." He laughed tugging me in for another kiss,

"Idiot," He muttered.

Once we made it to the kitchen, I only just managed to get the instant hot chocolate out of the cupboard before Phil snuck up behind me, breath on my neck and hands hugging around my waist possessively. "P-Phil?" Humming against my neck, he began placing light, closed mouth kisses to my neck. "Phi-Phil! Do-Don't you want this h-hot chocolate?" I blushed, shivering at the sudden stimulation to my neck.

"Well, I know I want something hot but not chocolate." All of a sudden he flipped me around and dragged our lips together.

"That was cheesy." I giggled lightly, being cut off as Phil smirked and kissed me again, deeper this time, and I had to stop a smile as I felt the cool metal of his piecing against my lips ((tbh I kinda forgot this was punk Phil for a good 14 chapters of this book. I think it's because Dan isn't pastel? Oops.))

I jumped up so I sat on the counter as Phil began to drag us closer and things started to intensify, the hunger for each other growing and growing, steadily-

Ring, ring.

"Oh, come on..." He grumbled and I giggled.

"Looks like it's Josh! Go on, Daddy, don't keep him waiting." He practically glared ((diamond)) daggers at me, and if I didn't know Phil was just a dominant marshmallow, I would have probably been terrified - he does have a lot of piercings, after all - but, again, dominant marshmallow ((that is all I will be calling ph- sorry, dominant marshmallow from now on. Don't @ me on this
God I'm so tired right now))

"You're an ass." He growled, grabbing his phone in - judging by the suddenly pale skin on the joints of his fingers - what looked to be a death grip. ((He's probably pretending it's you and is about to yEeT you across the room Danyul))

"Too bad you can't have any of it today. What a pity." I tutted, knowing I was going to get absolutely destroyed later. I can't wait.

"Just you wait, baby." He grunts, before masking his hunger with a cheerful tone.

Call from SoDunWithLife
Call accepted.

"Hey, Josh, what's up?"

"Hey, I was wondering where you guys are, the line's already pretty long."

"Oh my God sorry Josh, I literally completely forgot. Well get ready and be right there, won't we, Daniel. He's nodding."

"No worries. See you later, then?"

"Yeah, of course. I promise to buy your drinks tonight, ok?"

"Please don't. But I'll let you get dressed anyway, I'll be waiting on the left corner."

They said their goodbyes, I heard from down the hall since I'd started getting ready in the ensuite, already hesitating on whether I want to put makeup on. I decided to do so, but it was just some mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss.

"Dan, are you in the bathroom?" I finished applying the lipgloss, smacking my lips and replying.

"I'm done now anyway."

"Great, because I need to pee- Oh my god. Dan are- are you wearing makeup?" Phil gasped, and I stared at him for a moment or two, squinting as if he was miles away and I couldn't see him.

"Yeah... Why, is there something wrong?" I glared a bit, not being able to hide how defensive I was getting. If I'm a guy who likes to wear makeup, I'm a guy that likes to wear makeup-

"No, god no! Dan, it's just..." He paused, biting his lip and eyeing my face once again, "it's f##king hot. Goddamn it, baby, you're driving me insane with that on." Oh. Oh... "I bet you put this on just to tease me, didn't you? Knew it would work me up, didn't you?" I was stunned. I tried to stutter out a response, but, under his heavy gaze, words came out. I shook my head, cheeks burning with such intense fire I bet he could feel it when his hand brushed over my cheek as if connecting all my freckles, before trailing down to my lips, parted ever so slightly. I only got out a syllable before his thumb pressed down, stopping me in my tracks. My eyes couldn't leave his even as he spoke with a mischievous smirk only I would know, "it's a shame we don't have more time. God, I'd love to f-"

"Uhh, I just remembered I have to... Pick my shoes out! Yes, shoes. Uh, meet you at the door!" He chuckled and before even a second had passed, I was out the door.


Don't we just love a fluffy filler? Yeah.... I have the kidnapping drafted out, but this chapter was so fluffy and teasing, I didn't just wanna ruin it... So... Take your fluff you filthy animals.... says the writer.
My god I have so much tea to spill. So dan came out. But I've already ranted about that wayyyy too much. The fam's (sorry) still a mess so... that's fun.
Island living came out, too! And they added pride flags to the sims! Kinda wish they added a demisexual flag but at least I have the pansexual and asexual flags to fill the void. The reason this chapter's late is because I've been playing ts4 so... sorry but I have no regrets.
Also, my MOCK exams are coming up p soon and I have pretty much just accepted that I will fail and be a bum my entire useless life so... ¯\_()_/¯ Who needs revision when you accepted you won't live to the age of 21 anyways? Honestly I would've thought I'd be dead by now but what are you gonna do?
Jesus when did this become a therapy session? Sorry my head hasn't really been clear since the car crash so... I'll be fine and get over it eventually.
I've just realised nobody cares and nobody is actually going to read this. I think that's why typing everything is doable for me right now. Plus nobody likes this book anymore anyways so...
I'm rambling sorry ok bye.

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