Be My Distraction - Chapter 5

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Phunk: Hey Dan. | Sent

Dnks fr th mmrs changed their name to Dan is sad

Phunk: Why are you sad bear | Sent
Do you want to talk about it | Sent

Dan is sad: Do you really care? | Sent
No one seems to | Sent

Phunk: Of course I do bear. | Sent
Youre the first friend Ive had in a long while | Sent

Dan is sad: I guess if you really care I might as well tell you | Sent
My best friend died | Sent

Phunk: What | Sent
Oh my god | Sent
I'm so sorry | Sent

Dan is sad: Some thug shot her when they were robbing the bank | Sent
I was on the phone with her while it happened | Sent

Phunk: Dan I'm so sorry | Sent

Dan is sad: It's fine | Sent
It's not like you did it | Sent
Phil? | Sent
Wait 2 mins | Sent

Dan's POV

I gulped as a loud knock echoed throughout the silent flat. It's been a day or so since the phone call, and I haven't heard back from Georgia since, which can only mean one thing.

I've been mentally preparing myself, but I still don't think I'm really ready. It could only be the police. And they could only want to tell me one thing.

Pushing the door handle with sweaty hands, the door opens to reveal, as I expected, two female cops, both wearing obnoxiously bright neon green vests above plain black t-shirts.

"Hello there. Mr Howell, is it?" The one on the right queries. She had dark purple hair, kind of short in length, only going to her shoulders.


"Okay, I'm Officer Clark and this is Officer Goole." The one with purple hair - Officer Clark - said. Officer Goole had wavy (but mostly straight) blonde hair, with dyed pink ends. Her eyes were turquoise, unlike her companion's whose were hazel-green.

"If I'm not mistaken, you knew a girl called 'Georgia Williamson', right? 27 years old?" I gulp at the name, looking down, anything not to remember.

"Yes... I-I knew her very well..."

"We're very sorry to inform you that she was shot by a man in a dark grey sock mask."

"S-So she's really dead..?"

"I'm afraid so, sir." Officer Goole looked down, speaking for the first time that night. "We're sorry for your loss."

I nod, eyes still trained downwards, tears brimming. It seemed so much more real now. "I-I was on the phone with her when it happened. Maybe it could be evidence..?"

"We will make a note of that, Mr Howell. We'll let you process it first, though. Here's my number when you feel ready for it." Officer Clark looked at me with kind eyes while handing me a piece of scrap paper.

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