Vengeance - Chapter 42 (Final)

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Oh my god.
This is actually the last chapter and I'm not ready.
The epilogue is next AHHHHHHHH.
Then there's a final qna...
And maybe a bonus chapter about Raven and Amber... Or maybe I'll just do that in the epilogue idk. Probably not.
TW: 2 major character deaths, guns, kidnapping, murder, raids, cars that run over (I don't know how to word)

I tried my best to make it good, but it's very long so it'll probably be inconsistent. At some parts I had no inspiration while at others I was practically hammering the keyboard (which is now broken, by the way. Just thought I should bring that up)

No-ones POV ((WHat is WROng with ME?!))

The next day, air was still as Dan hadn't dared to move or speak, the only sound from the cell a few doors away. They were screaming and it didn't ease Dan's nerves. Years seemed to have passed before the sound of metal rubbing against metal rang like a church bell, the sound deafening in the crushing silence that once drowned the room. Even as the heavy, iron door screeched along the concrete, Dan didn't look up.

"D-Dan?" A soft voice echoed, shy and timid - not what Dan had expected at all. Not the voice that had given him two slices of bread and a lukewarm water bottle yesterday, either. He turned to look at her, only to see a pastel jumper and leggings. Who was this? "Uhh... H-Hi. My name is Amber and... I'm sorry about my... friend. I knew she had a target but I thought she would have told me-" Amber rambled, voice shaking and brows furrowed. "I-uh, I'm rambling... I can get you out of here." She paused, Dan's eyes quirking at the sudden change.

"How do I know I can trust you?" You could practically see Amber's heart shatter - her shoulders sunk, eyes averted to the cold concrete, thumbs mingling as she swallowed after her mouth had run dry, lips thinning to a line.

"I... You can't I guess. I didn't expect you to, I was just... Hoping..." She slowed down from the quick but shy rambles, "but I know a way to get you and Phil out." She finished, not really knowing what else to say. Dan was about to start talking again, but was cut off, "I know this place like the back of my own hand, I've lived here for a few months and..."

"I guess I have no choice... Alright, I'll trust you, for now." Amber smiled, but it was sad, she didn't want to meet her role model like this. "But I want to-" Dan was cut off by the sound of alarm bells ringing, deafening him. Amber's eyes widened, she knew the alarms too well...

"We're under attack!" She ran towards him, undoing the handcuffs and pulling him up. "I know the nearest exit, so we'll go and get Phil, but then we have to run, ok?" Dan nodded and stumbled to his feet, the only thing helping him run after being tied to the floor for over a day in a position that couldn't be good for his joints.

They moved swiftly, heavy breath almost silent among the chaos of the red flashing lights that could harm a lot of people – just from the rapid flashing and violent vibrancy. However, it wasn't until a gunshot rang out when Dan realised how much danger they were in.

But he needed to get to Phil.

By the time Amber had stopped in front of a cell door (much like his old one), Dan's heart was in his throat, and he felt sick to his stomach – or was he sick in the head? Amber beckoned him for help, her pale, freckled arms were nothing short of weak, despite the width of them saying otherwise... Dan had thought it was muscle, but he was definitely mistaken. ((Wow ok Dan rude. Don't attack me like that, you rat)) He, of course, helped her – and he couldn't really blame her for struggling, because it was goddamn heavy; as to be expected for a giant metal clump.

What he saw inside almost broke his heart. Phil, the love of his life, was bound to a chair that looked like something out of a horror movie – the splintered wood had thick metal strips attached to the arms – exactly where his wrists were. Not just at his arms, either, but at his feet and neck. The metal was harsh in shape, sharp corners leaving red marks and bruises – and in the worst cases, shallow cuts where blood had pooled. For areas that would vary from person, such as the waist and thighs, there were leather binds instead – though they only looked slightly comfier as they were tied painfully tight. "Phil..." Dan whimpered, almost breaking at the sight of his boyfriend, indignantly caged like some sort of animal.

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