Sofa Bed (Ay it's an actual chapter) - Chapter 27

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I'm not sure if this is a TW but mentions of masturbation (did I spell that right? I should really know how to spell it but... Shuddup I'm 14 and I've never done it and I don't want to and leave me alone.
Uhh... Just read it...) but no smut I promise.

Phil's POV


I messed up.

How the hell am I going to explain this to Dan? I'm not just going to go up to him and say, "Oh Dan I may have just broken the slat of your sofa bed while I was masturbating and imagining having sex with you. Can I sleep in your bed?" because I'm not really sure if I'd even have a roof to sleep under.

Who am I kidding, Dan wouldn't kick me out if he wanted to, however I still feel some things are best kept secret. Just one more added to the pile of secrets I will die with.

Still... How am I going to tell Dan?

I figured he'd already heard the bang I made, so either he'll come to my room with a pan as a weapon, or scream into his duvet whilst trying to tame the raw fear eating away at him. Both of them are probable.

After moment of hesitation, I figured it'd be best to just tell him rather than terrify him anymore.

"Uhm, Dan?" I whisper sheepishly.

"Phil? Was that noise you?" He whimpered, definitely terrified out of his mind.

"Yeah... Sorry for waking you... But I have a minor problem." ((... Jesus Christ I need to stop reading smut)) I took a deep breath, and upon seeing he was waiting for me to talk, I hesitantly spoke once again; "I broke your sofa bed."

"What? How the hell did you break my settee?" A few moments passed, leaving a tense silence in their place. I watched Dan's expression as pieced the fragments together in his sleep-deprived state while I tried to conjure an excuse. "Wait... Were you..?" He queried, eyes expanding as he left the sentence to complete itself.

"No!" I lied, urging my brain to conjure up any excuse, "I woke up in the middle of the night and I wanted to get a drink, but when I tried to move, the bed broke because I weighed too much." I spilled and I thought, despite my hesitation, it was fairly believable.

"Oh, whatever. Lay down." I nodded )even though he could probably barely see my outline as a result of his sudden awakening and the darkness of the room) and laid facing towards him.

The heat his body radiated was comforting and I already felt safer but I wanted to see if I could push my luck. I have feelings for the boy, can you blame me? "Bub..." Upon receiving a tired 'Hmm?' I continued, "Can we... cuddle?"

"Sure, whatever." I'm such an idiot. I should have realised he was tired. He probably wouldn't have said the same thing if he was awake.

And that's how Dan fell asleep in my arms, head resting against the space between my shoulder and my nipple.

Suddenly I found myself regretting not bothering to put on my shirt and praying to whatever god or superhero was listening that he couldn't hear or feel my heartbeat.


AN: The next chapters gonna be a texting one because I finally finished this chapter, it's 11 pm, and I can fit one in so imma do it ok bye.
Also, if you haven't for some reason, please read the last chapter. It's so important and I can't stress this enough.
Ok serious stuff done night.

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