It's Weird - Chapter 23

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You're going to love this chapter.
Also sorry for no texting chapters in a while, but for progress imma have to write full chapters soooo...

Phil's PoV

"Here we are. It's not much and a complete mess, but..." Dan trailed off as he twisted the keys to his apartment. "I'll let you have a look around while I set up the sofa bed if you'd like?"

"Uh, yeah. Great." After giving me a small smile, Dan began to turn away. "Oh-Dan?"


"Thank you." His smile seemed to droop and lost the little brightness it had.

"The least I can do for my best friend."

We stared at each other for maybe a few seconds too long, both of our minds running faster than the winds of a tornado.

It's weird.

How I look at him and my worries seem to wash away, even for a millisecond. How I can look at him and, in his beautiful eyes, and I can see a future. How I can look at any part of him and see beauty greater than the smoothest landscapes, than any painting in a gallery. How I could feel safer than I ever have at home, if I just stare into those mocha eyes.

I want to kiss him, I want to hold him in my arms whenever he's upset until I can hear his wonderful laugh. I want to be the one to kiss him at an altar while his family cheers for us. I want to look up at the clouds with him until our child crawls over us, telling us that they're bored and want to go home.

God, I wish I could punch myself right now, and maybe that would knock some sense into me. He has Connor. He isn't just dating him for the fun of it.

"Uh, I'll go... Do... The thing."

"Oh, yeah. Right. I'll go have a look around."


It's so weird.

Dan's PoV (I'm having switching POV's and you can't stop me BISH)

As I begin assembling the sofa bed, but I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing. My mind was a mess, but one thought remained constant:

I need to break up with Connor.

I don't want to break up with him, but the way Phil looked at me just now; the way my stomach felt like I'd fallen upside down...

It was so weird.

I'd miss being in a relationship for sure. The warm cuddles on the settee ((People who aren't British, that means couch)) late at night, the warm kisses exchanged on lazy days, and definitely the amazing sex.

But I don't think I'd miss being in a relationship with Connor. Don't get me wrong, Connor's a lovely person who's loving but also great at sex, but I just...

I don't even know.

Everything's just so convoluted and confusing ((like this books plot, amirite?)) right now. I guess that's another reason I should break up with Connor, I don't know if I have the time or mental stability to maintain a relationship right now. But I don't want to hurt him.

What if I told him we should take a break? That wouldn't hurt him too much, right?

After what seemed to be the longest 5 minutes of my life, I had set up the sofa bed. I walk into the living room to see Phil on his phone, TV playing in the background.


"Hey," I started with a soft voice, smiling at him. "Wanna talk about it?"

"No... Not yet, at least."

"Okay." I sit down next to him and switch to a more sarcastic, but still soft, voice, "Someone's made themselves comfortable."

"You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not! I'm just... Happy you're here. I've wanted to meet you so long and-" I ramble, "Can I have a hug?"

"Of course you can, nerd." He chuckled before pulling me into the best hug I've ever had, and I've hugged a lot of people. His tattooed arms slid around my waist and mine slid around his torso as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I-I've wanted to meet you for so long Phil, and it's finally happening, and it's all I ever wanted and just- I love you so much Phil." I was so caught up in the embrace and the tears gliding onto Phil's wide shoulders that I didn't even care what I said, it would be too muffled anyways.

"Shh, love you too, bear. It's been a very long day and I think we both need to relax for a little bit."

"I almost lost you..."

"I'm here now Bub, and that's all that matters. Wanna watch some TV and calm down a bit?"

"Yes please..."

"Ok Bub, what would you like on?"

"Any anime? I have Netflix,"

"Ok," Phil finished, planting a featherlight kiss to my messy curls.

We're friends who just met for the first time supposed to do this? Probably not, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

It's weird, but I love it.

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