Q&A * Questions *

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Right so the final QnGay is coming up soon so leave as many questions as you wanna. No limits at all!
Dead characters will be included and can answer questions as ghosts because.... LOGIC.
Also I think Josh and Amber are going to have their own epilogues because I don't want it to get in the way of the main story but I feel like you should know how everything unravels for them so... Lemme know if you'd wanna read that.

Stupid (me)



Connor (rip but also burn in hell)



Josh (IM SORRY IT HAD TO BE DONE- I mean rip)


Phil's dad

Phil's mum

Martyn (oof)

Dan's parents (why not)

Inanimate objects

Places in the book (like locations. Like ravens office. Why? Idk I went insane long ago)

Other characters I forgot (like the other people in the bank at the robbery)

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